5. The Mirror

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27th September 1991

It had been almost a month since I arrived at Hogwarts and apart from the constant questioning I received from the Slytherin boys it was wonderful here and I'm still over the moon about the fact me and Harry are away from the Dursleys, (until next summer of course).

My lessons were okay, some were better than others. I love charms, that's probably my favourite subject and has one of the nicest teachers, Professor Flitwick. And my friends are in that class, Pansy, Katie and Astoria. Even better, the majority of my lessons were with the Gryffindors so I got to see Harry more than I thought I would. Potions was a good subject but I don't like Professor Snape, sure he's a good teacher but in the first lesson he humiliated Harry for no reason. 

Out of all the subjects, flying was my worst. I could tell I was going to be the last one to summon my broom so when nobody was looking I just picked it up and acted like I did it. I didn't think anyone saw but Mattheo must've because he snitched on me, the little bitch. I wasn't really told off, Madam Hooch just made me keep trying until I did it. It was so embarrassing. Mattheo, Theo, and Draco were snickering and Enzo gave me a pity look, he did that often and it annoyed me. I mean, I'm glad he wasn't laughing at me along with his friends but come on! 

Me and Harry decided that twice a week we would meet at the broom cupboard at around midnight to catch up because even though we were in the same lessons I rarely got a chance to speak to him. So at ten to twelve I snuck out of the dungeons, I probably didn't have to sneak past my friends but it was more fun that way so I did. I know my way around most of the castle now and it was pretty easy to find the cupboard so it didn't take me long to get there, when I did Harry was already waiting for me, carrying the Daily Prophet. "[Name] did you read yesterdays mail?" He asked, he looked like he was about to burst because he wanted to tell me something.

"No, I never read mail. What does it say?" I asked, intrigued. Then he walked to the nearest window to get enough moonlight to read it out.

"Somebody broke into Gringotts!" He said then started reading from the paper, "believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts Goblins acknowledge the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier the very same day." He looked at me as if it meant something but I didn't really care, nothing had been stolen anyway and it wasn't my business. I just shrugged. "Don't you find it weird? There must be something going on."

I smiled at him, "Harry I think all this famous business has gotten to your head." He frowned at me. "I'm joking. It's probably nothing and even if there was something happening don't get involved, it's none of your business."


"No." He didn't look too happy with me but he needs to learn when to quit.

"You're acting like Hermione." 

"Good." I said with a smile. "I'm gonna go to bed if that's all, I'm tired and we have potions first tomorrow, I don't want a detention from Snape for being late."

"Okay, night [Name]."

"Night Harry." And I walked away back towards the dungeons, he really needs to stop meddling. On my way back I realised I forgot to congratulate Harry for making it onto the Quidditch team, I was proud of him. I heard no first year has made the team in centuries.

Over the next few months, Harry kept telling me more and more information about this package. It had something to do with a man named Nicholas Flamel and Harry, Ron and Hermione were constantly in the library searching for information on him. I would've just asked a teacher and said it was a homework project but it was amusing how dedicated they were.

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