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Dandelion's pov after events occur)
The Aircart flew through the trees at speeds that (in my opinion) even I and Taiya could outfly. I stared at begonia, the Coldsoul disease came early this year. Usually it got the chickenhawks first, not the young ones... I tried not to cry but it was too much for me. I was so worried that it might take away my daughter! Sir Droncaul was mixing various plants and powders together as his panpolli flew through the trees. I assumed he was trying to (hopefully) make the cure for Begonia. I paced back and forth across the cart floor, there seemed to be so many herbs here, Ii could identify a few, bronzewood, geranium, dandelions, oak leaves, fairywillow, pinecones? The panpolli landed the Aircart and I carried begonia to the hospital room as quickly as I could. "Room 4 on the right down the left hall." Sir Droncaul called after me as he continued adding plants and powders to his...phial? I set Begonia on the wooden bed and draped the green knit blanket over her, it looked like it was made with dripwillow leaves instead of flydaisy stems. Personally I would love to use dripwillow in my knitting as well, but it costs more per leaf than for a bundle of flydaisies. I walk out of the room and stare anxiously as Sir Droncaul enters the room and shuts the door. When he shuts the door I am hit almost immediately by my thoughts. What could I do, more importantly, what should I do? I pondered this and that as I paced the whole clinic. I decided to walk to town.. most elviole called it treetop marketplace. I hopped from branch to branch on various trees until I got to a panpolli point. (Taxi stop for panpollis.) I sat on the carved wooden bench and fiddled with my hands as I anxiously waited for the next Aircart to stop here, i made  sure that i had the money to pay for it first, and then i paced the floor of the.. building? It had a roof and a floor, but no walls, it had benches and a little kitchenette on the side for the panpollis that stopped here. Usually it was quite busy, but today wasnt a busy day. The only other person here was an elderly elf. I wait for a while and almost drive myself insane and then I get in the cart with two other passengers. The driver opens a sliding door on the front and says "a'right, 'mind meh 'oo 'ere 'as deh closist stop 'rom 'ere?" (Alright, remind me who here has the closest stop from here?) The driver said it with such a terrible accent that It took a minute to translate what he said into understandable words. I spoke first and said "treetop marketplace please." I answer monotonously, trying to hide my feelings. "I wish to go to Sugarberry creek, please." A woman on my right said, half mocking me."Goyla park, thanks" the petite old lady that came in the cart with me called creakily. The sassy woman snickered and mumbled something along the lines of "i got in here first and i will get off first" I can't hear as good as Lief can, he's got better ears than me. I felt quite uncomfortable because of the tension in the cart, but the driver just closed his eyes for a moment. Right afterwards a mischievous look came on his face. "okay, we'll take the west wind and go to Goyla park, then ride east to treetop Marketplace, and then circle north to Sugarberry creek." The old lady smiled and covered her mouth with one hand and if I'm not mistaken she was holding back a laugh. The sassy woman looked very surprised and then looked quite angry."What!? I got in this Aircart first and I request to go to Sugarberry creek! It's not even that far from here! Oh, and i want to go there now." The sassy woman declared, and then added "If you can't comply with my request then i will request to get off." The driver cracked a small smile and said slyly " oh but mah deer, Shoogahbei' creek is 'eh farthest 'm here, so you'll 'ave tuh wait." The sassy woman gasps and exclaims "what! H-how dare you do that to me! I pay you to drive a Panpolli to my destination and you make me, me! Of all the elviole in this whole town you could choose to be sassy with, you chose to be sassy with Baronet saponin yucca! I am getting off!" Miss yucca steps off, crosses her arms and waits as the Aircart leaves the station. I noticed the grin of the driver through the rear view mirror and looked there to see the sassy woman, her face all red as she hopped from treetop to treetop trying to catch up. I couldn't help but laugh! The driver cackled as he called out " I'm the last 'carter for this station 'ere!!"
Me and the old lady are laughing up a storm as we watch her fall behind. I didn't even try to hide how hard I was laughing anymore. I'm glad that there's simple things in life to help you avoid your problems.
I didn't know how much trouble this could cause.

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