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I woke up later than i had expected, which was a good thing because I had been exhausting my poor mother ever since I was.. ah, born here. The only problem with me waking up late is that I am famished. I don't mean the "played from eight p.m to three a.m and ran out of snacks" hungry, although that is awfully uncomfortable. I meant i was starving. My body felt incredibly weak and fragile, i could feel my insides breaking themselves down to preserve the more vital parts of me and I couldn't last any longer without food. I let out a loud blood curdling scream of hunger. I could also feel (what was left of) my tiny body vibrating from my shrill scream. I honestly wasn't in control of myself anymore. Over the week I've been here i hadn't even tried to cry unless it was necessary. But it worked. My exhausted mother, my father, and my brother came almost in an instant, my brother coming first to look at me. I stopped screaming and started crying instead, still extra loud. I can't really explain my situation to them but since I know what I need, I can try to use gestures and crying and all the things I can possibly do at this age to get what i need. I thrust my stubby little arms towards the general direction of my mother and I suddenly felt so weak that I could barely keep my eyes open. Luckily someone picked me up and I tried to eat, only to realize that my father had picked me up, I tried to reach out to my mother, and as i was being handed to my mother, I fell asleep, but I don't think it was good that i fell asleep. But my thoughts were getting foggy. Ah well. I gave in to the warmth of sleep.

Lief's pov
My wife had a terrible look on her face when she struggled as she tried to nurse our little girl. "Should I Talli the alchemist?" I asked while also pulling out our Talli (basically a telegraph talisman but for sound that breaks after one use) "y-y-yeah." She nodded. her legs trembling as her eyes showed despair, sadness and a hint of helplessness. I traced the runes on the Talli and he picked up.
"Hello, this is lief's Talla, eh?"

"Yes, sir Droncaul . Please help us, our daughter just let out the most horrific scream and when I held her, she tried to nurse on me. I was handing her to my wife, and she fell asleep, but she-"

"Let me stop you there really quick, is she eating right now?"


"I'm coming over right now, you didn't switch treetops right?"

"I-I didn't but-"

"          "

The talla crumbled to dust and I turned my head to look at Begonia. She looked pale, almost white. I don't know what happened to her but I start preparing the carriage. Aircart, carriage, whatever term you use. "I nevuh got to see her on da baby gym daddy, momma bwoke her pwomise..." sage sniffled. Oh.. I completely forgot about that.. "well she didn't break the promise. she never put her on the gym, remember?" "Oh riight! Ohkay." He stated helping me put the boosters in the carriage. After what felt like forever, which actually was three minutes and twenty seven seconds and eighty four milliseconds, Sir Droncaul arrived on the back of a large red Panpolli.

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