Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Today is an excuse to mingle and impress the blue bloods," Anya confided as we ate breakfast together.

"I suppose it's true," Grim said. "The lesser fae brought him this far. It's down to the important fae in the end. Tonight, they'll announce tomorrow's events."

"When will I have to speak?" I asked.

"It should be tomorrow," Líle said. "But the secrecy makes me think they've dreamed up a new task for the candidates first."

"So what do we do today?"

"Relax," Realtín said, concentrating on tying knots in my hair.

Anya brushed her away with the back of a hand. "They may call upon you today. You need to be ready, Cara."

"I'm ready," I said. "Has anyone seen Brendan today?"

"Getting a headstart on Sadler, no doubt," Líle said.

We spent most of the day hanging around Brendan's camp and listening to his guards tell stories of the old days, when Brendan had first been king. I didn't recognise him at all in those tales, and again, I feared I wasn't doing the right thing.

"You've been quiet today," Grim said, taking a seat by my side. I had chosen to sit away from the group, losing myself to my own worries.

I opened my mouth to answer when Sorcha arrived with her very own entourage.

"They've called for you," she said urgently. "Hurry. This may be our chance to pull ahead."

"I thought he was doing well," I said as I followed her, my companions in tow.

"Sadler's played a good game behind the scenes. Don't let Brendan down now."

A woman stood on a chair and addressed the crowd. "Sadler has claimed that the circumstances of Brendan's... return discredit his claim, and Brendan states he has proof that will clear his name. We have decided that tomorrow shall be a great hunt. The winner shall choose what to do with the witness's testimony. For now, Sadler has called upon his right to hear from the witness's own lips. Send the true child to Sadler."

Brendan leapt to his feet. "No! He can't have her."

"The hunt shall decide who will have her," the woman said, looking pleased with herself. "For now, it is his right, and he shall have it. She will come to no harm."

Brendan eyes burned. "An escort. She has the right to an escort."

Líle took a step after me.

The woman shook her head. "The sprite will do."

Arlen laid a hand on Brendan's shoulder until he nodded his agreement. "Very well," he said through gritted teeth.

They led me away and took me to Sadler's camp. Dozens of squealing children chased each other around a large marquee. Lying on a bed in the centre of the tent, surrounded by shrouded figures, was an ancient-looking man who appeared to be very ill.

"You're Sadler?" I blurted.

"That I am," he said, gazing at me. "Raven-haired. Not the usual type."

I frowned.

"Sit by me," he said. "You're safe here for a time. You're as dark-haired as my family, so you fit in."

I did as he said, clenching my hands nervously.

"Do you see them all? My grandchildren? All of them born from human mothers. Some more fae than others. He collects them, you see."

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