Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I awoke when Brendan stirred beside me, somehow knowing Drake was gone. I froze as he ran his hand along my bare skin. He leaned over me, and I felt his breath against my spine. Then he was gone, and I was alone.

I buried my face in the pillow, curling into a ball as flashbacks of the night before hit me hard and fast. Guilt and shame fought a battle in my gut, and I struggled to keep the nausea at bay. I had never been so confused.

I woke up sometime later and tried the bedroom door. Locked. Sighing, I decided to crack open some books and remind myself there was a normal world out there, but something on my dresser distracted me.

I went over and stared at another wooden carving, one of a woman looking over her shoulder. She was dressed in an impossibly long gown with her hair pinned to the side with a flower. I stared at it for a long time, my stomach turning. I was afraid to touch it, and even when I sat on the bed, my eyes were drawn to the wooden figure. Finally, I hid it with the butterfly carving.

An hour later, Grim and Realtín arrived with food.

"Are you okay?" the sprite demanded in a high-pitched voice, flying around my head in a panic. "He stayed here, didn't he? We tried, we tried. It wasn't our fault. Don't hate us, Cara."

Grim's face was bruised.

"What happened to you?" I demanded, falling to my knees beside him.

"They sent us away, locked us up," Realtín prattled. "We knew he would do something. We tried. Grim fought them, but they..." She gazed at me. "What did he do to you?"

I shook my head. "You fought them... for me?" I asked Grim.

He looked away. "I'm sorry. I should have done more."

I kissed his cheek. "You're a good friend. You too, Realtín. I'm okay. I promise. He didn't hurt me. I... we... things got weird, but I snapped out of it in time. Drake spent the night with me then."

"The king let him?" Realtín squeaked.

I shook my head. "He didn't have a choice. Drake was stronger than Brendan was."

"How is that possible?" Grim asked.

The black cat strolled into the room before I could answer.

"You," I said. "You were there last night, weren't you?" I gave the cat a treat. "Thanks for the help, kitty."

I turned to see Grim and Realtín exchanging a confused look.

"Never mind," I said. "Where's Brendan now?"

Grim shuffled his feet, looking uncomfortable. "He's working. He's not... in a good mood. He wants us to keep you out of his way for a while."

I wasn't sure how to feel about that. "Any sign of Drake?"

He shook his head, and my heart fell.

"Do you think Drake can see me through Brendan's eyes?"

Grim nodded. "Of course."

"Then I need to talk to him."

"But Brendan said-"

"I know. I still have to talk to him." I started to leave, but the door was locked again. "What the hell? Why are they locking me in?"

"I don't know," Grim said. "Brendan never said-"

The cat freaked out, howling and spitting. The hair on the back of his neck stood right up, making him look twice his normal size.

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