The Trio Only.

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Nishinoya's pov:
I was sitting here waiting in Tsukishima's room, I was telling him ALL the drama going on, Yachi's about to go on a date, and Yamaguchi started crying over some romance movie!

It was kinda cute to be completely honest. And Hinata has been mainly at Kenma's house playing Minecraft and animal crossing.

Me and Tanaka have been mainly here talking with the passed out Tsukishima, and the others were off doing something else.

I guess we all just have our own way of coping... But the others barely visit Tsuki, not even Hinata..

I understand if it's hard to look at him at the time, but they only came here for when we found him in the fucking forest!

"Oh! And then Tanaka fell in love with Kyoko again! It was so funny and-" I paused, I saw Tsukishima's eyes shake, before they opened.

"TSUKISHIMA!!" I yell out. "N- Nish- inoy- a?" It was broken apart, his voice almost sounded like it was gone, his voice harsh and sounded like he smoked for years.

"YEAH! Yeah it me! Your senpai!" I joke, he groaned and his breath was all breaky, his heart rate was kinda low and I think he was trying to open his eyes again.

I pick my phone up and call Suga. "Hey I can't come to the phone, sorry." It was his voice mail, I groan and call almost everyone else.

And no one picked up other than Tanaka. "THANK GOD!! Listen, get everyone else here, Tsukishima-" I felt his hand on me, he shakes his head and mouths 'no' I nod.

"Is it okay for Tanaka to come then? Just him.." I asked, he nods lightly and I smile. "Okay, no one else, just you, don't tell anyone. But Tsukishima woke up."

"HOLY SHIT REALLY?!" I laugh as I hear Tanaka yell that, Enoshita in the background telling him to shut up.

---When Tanaka gets to the hospital.---

Still Nishinoya's pov:

Tanaka bursts through the door, "TSUKKIIIIIIIIII!!" He yells and shuts the door. Tsuki groans but smiles.

"H- hi, Tan- ak- a.." He stutters, Tanaka smiles and walks over to me and Tsuki. "Why not tell the others?"

"Tsukishima said it was because he knew they never visited," I paused, looking at Tsukishima with a frown. "So if they want to know he's awake they can visit him themselves."

Tanaka makes an 'O' face and nods. "Makes sense, but why was I allowed to know?" He asks. "Yo-u vis- itEd." Tsuki exclaims, He brings his arms up a little, motioning for a hug, from us both.

We smile and hug him in a small group hug of just us three. We break the hug, and soon we start talking to him like we did when he was in a coma.

That's the end of this chapter thing! Such a wholesome moment between the trio 🥹. Next chapter I'm thinking of giving us a pov of Kenma? I wonder how that'll go. I might not do that though. Anywho! Good day/Night!!!

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