The Plan

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TW: Vague mention sh and attempted suicide!


They got it, everyone was in a circle, taking one step forward. "No yelling, and only speak in the walkie when he's found." Suga said.

They all nodded, their plan was to spilt up, quietly and quickly go around, and no communication until Tsukishima was found and captured.

This time around they changed the teams. Kageyama with Hinata, Nishinoya with Tanaka, Suga with Daichi, Asahi with Yamaguchi, and Ennoshita with Kazuhito. (They needed more notice okay?)

Everyone was quiet, well they tried to be. Nine times out of ten on of them would step on a twig and the other would grab the walkie and talk.

But that all soon stopped. You'd think having a shit ton of people would help you find a tall skinny blond headed boy with glasses right? No. They've been looking for Tsukishima for more than three day.

Ennoshita and Kazuhito both left to go home. But the others were very determined to find their friend that they loved and cared for.

The days went by, and they were growing restless, frustrated, and concerned. They were all on edge, and it wasn't to pretty. Hinata was starting to yell at the others.

Suga looked like he was gonna cry every second of the day. Daichi kept looking around after hearing a stick snap, Nishinoya wasn't hyper anymore, barely even smiled or talked.

Yamaguchi also had it quite hard, he would sit during the night time, and talk to the trees hoping Tsukishima was there. But he wasn't there.

They lost hope every day, they didn't want to believe that Tsukishima left, maybe even dead. But at this point, he might as well be. Today they all decided to go for one more look around, and by night.

If they didn't find Tsukishima. They would go back home. And just go back to daily life again. So here they were.

Walking around, taking the same paths they took almost 100 times, maybe more. Looking for Tsukishima, nothing was said, and the only thing they heard were animals playing. And the breeze flowing through the trees.

None of them had luck though, but Hinata pushed, they decided to go as a team this time. They went pass the lake, farther into the forest. Soon they heard mumbles, "I can't do this anymore. Living is no longer an option."

They would hear. They walked closer, and the mumbles got louder. Soon, they got eye view of this person. They finally found him. Suga almost bursted into tears. But it wasn't happy ones nooo. They were sad ones.

Everyone questioned why. And Suga simply motioned to look at him. What they saw. Wasn't pretty. They were so busy cheering, they completely forgot about what Tsukishima was mumbling.

There they saw his body, bloodied, bruised, and dirty. He was bound to have an infection. He didn't have his badges on, and there were deep cuts everywhere on his body.

Hinata was quick on his feet. He grabbed him, and ran to find the end of the forest. The others followed, Daichi calling the police and telling them what happened to their friend.

But they still pushed to find the exit. And once they did the medics were already there, and took Tsukishima away from them. They couldn't bare the sight.

The police offered to drive them to the hospital so they could wait for Tsukishima. They accepted the kind offer. And now here they were.

Hehe it's the end>:) sorry it's been taking long, School sucks 😭. But asides that, thank you to those who waited! Have a good day/night!!

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