Waiting for Him

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WARNING: slight description of self harm. And mention of maggots

Hinata's pov:
I've- We've been waiting for hours, a few were sitting but Suga, Nishinoya, and me were standing around.

Suga was crying so much he couldn't move, Nishinoya was standing in line for some food for us, and I was pacing back and fourth infront of the chairs.

A few went home, such as Yamaguchi, Daichi, Yachi, and Kiyoko. Yamaguchi just couldn't handle hospitals, bad past with 'em.

Daichi was so tired he had to go back home. And Yachi and Kiyoko were at Yachi's house picking flowers for Tsukishima. Pretty cute if you ask me.

Hours went by before a nurse walked up to us. "Hey, are y'all here for Tsukishima?" We all look at the lady and say a yes in sync. She nods and motions for us to follow.

"So, he's currently asleep." She pauses and writes down some stuff. "But his condition is okay... but his arms are uhh..." she mumbled something and looked up.

"His arms are a little too beat. One of them might have to be amputated." She says calmly. I glare at her, "Why?" I ask. "Well, he somehow managed to beat his arm up so bad to where... well let me just show you."

The nurse grabbed Tsukishima's arm, she started unwrapping the bandage and soon moved out the way. It was terrifying, his arm was all red and purple, scars where everywhere and there were deep deep cuts.

"We had to pull a few maggots out here and there and it wasn't pretty." She states calmly as if this happens all the time. "Just hope we won't have to. And if we do then.. good luck." She says and walks out.

Good luck? Was that really all she could say? Was a "Good luck."? She got my blood boiling kind of. But I knew she only wanted to make me feel better? Idk but I looked at Tsukishima.

Sitting there watching his chest rise and fall. His arm was bandaged back up and half his face was covered with the thin blanket that was covering his body. "I'll wait for you." Was all I said.

Sorry it's so sort but I'm running outta ideas. I'll get to thinking. Have a good day/ night!!!

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