Before any other thoughts went through my head, I jumped from the table and ran outside, bumping into multiple bodies as I did so. I ran across the street, ignoring the honking from the oncoming cars before sprinting down the sidewalk. I stopped in front of the building Taehyung had gone into. It definitely was not HYBE. 

"Where the hell did he go?" I asked myself, glancing left and right down the street. There was one empty building along this whole street and the rest were occupied. 

I furrowed my brows and took a step back, reading all the shop names. 

HYBE is right down the street from here...maybe there's a back entrance?

Now excited I may have an idea, I began peeking through the shop windows for anything suspicious. Of course there was nothing, only that empty building that kept sticking out to me. 

"Who would be stupid enough to do that?" I crossed my arms and stared at it, ignoring the oncoming traffic of people. "Wait who am I kidding? Me duh!" I went up to the door and wiggled the handle. Unlocked!

I made sure no one was really paying attention to me before slipping inside.

I wonder if HYBE owns this building but keeps it like this for some secret bat cave entrance.

I laughed at my thoughts before standing still at the sound of quiet talking. Guess I wasn't alone. I planted myself against the dark wall and listened.

"Hyung I got your coffee already."

There were two voices. 

"Really? Thanks Taehyung-ah. Come on, Namjoon's waiting for us. He's grumpy about something."

No way that wasn't THE Min Yoongi.

"Ah shit I was hoping he'd be happy this morning. I didn't get him anything..."

There was a noise that sounded like scoffing. "He'll be fine. Let's go."

I heard footsteps walk away before a metal door creaked shut. I quickly followed behind. Now I was positive this was some sort of secret entrance. Just so they didn't draw attention to themselves with the main one. For an empty building, the floors and walls were very clean. 

I felt along the dark walls until I came across a door. A metal one. I felt my heart rise into my throat as I reached for the handle. I touched the cool metal and immediately stepped a few feet back.

"No, I can' t be this stupid. If I got caught, the consequences would be really fucking bad," I mumbled, turning and pacing the hall. "Then again Taehyung may have a key to the building door and I may never have a chance at this again."

I glanced at the door and stopped pacing. I pursed my lips and turned, making my way back to the front door of the empty building.

"I need to figure out the layout first. I have no idea where the door will open. What if it's a busy room and people notice me?" But then there was the other thought. "What if it's a quiet hall that would conceal me from the rest of the company."

I groaned, slipping out of the building. I needed a different plan. That seemed too easy. Security is probably right behind that metal door. 

I started walking down the street to the company's main entrance. I crossed the street to get a better look at the building. I watched as staff and fans walked in and out of the front door. 

Suddenly my eyes brightened as an idea came to mind. Staff. Bingo. All I had to do was get one of those badges. I could fill in my picture and name. I just needed the scan code. I bit down on my lip, unsure of how I could possibly do that. 

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