I boarded the plane, contentment in my step as I put my bag above me and settled down into my seat. I still couldn't believe I was finally doing this. I was finally going to get to live out my dream. How had it only been a few years with them in my life? I felt like I couldn't live without them.

I placed my headphones on, turning on my 10-hour BTS playlist. Jamais Vu began to play in my ears, and I shut my eyes, feeling comforted by the sound of Jin's lulling voice.

I ignored the announcements, already knowing exactly what to do if anything bad were to happen. Which wouldn't because hello? This was a dream I was living out. Nothing was going to stop me.

I tightened my seatbelt and reclined my seat a little bit back, watching as more people filed in and the plane took off.


I felt the plane harshly land and I quickly put down my book. We had landed already? It had been 13 hours?

I smiled, excited I was finally in the same country as my boys. I was so close that the joy was practically radiating off of me.

I quickly grabbed my things as soon as we were able to and rushed off the plane. Immediately a wonderful smell wafted through my senses, as if time had just stopped. Bright signs of stores and food shops lined the halls. Everything smelled so good and the people looked so happy. Nothing like California.

I immediately began to search for the baggage claim, my smile lighting up as soon as I read the familiar signs. I was so proud of my progress in Korean. I was almost fluent. Multiple years of practice will do that to you.

And also overwhelming motivation.

I grabbed my carry-on and took off in the direction of baggage claim, my steps short and quick. I wanted to waste no time in getting to my new apartment.

As soon as I had collected my suitcase, I made my way to the car services. I opened the app on my phone and soon my ride had appeared.

"Good evening, miss. Where can I take you?"

I was swelling with pride. I could understand perfectly.

"Will you take me here please?" I asked, leaning forward and showing him my phone. His eyes filtered over the screen for a few moments before he nodded and began driving. The sun was setting but very slowly. A pink hue coated the sky. It must be very late back home.

I shook my head before opening my phone.

No Y/n. This is your home now. No more thinking about California. You have nothing there for you.

I happily clicked on Instagram, my eyes widening at a new post from @thv.

Holy crap, my man was hot in blonde. And red was such a pretty color on him. I immediately felt my cheeks becoming pink as I saved the photo and shut off my phone. I knew this one would end up right next to my pillow.

The car abruptly stopped in front of a clean-looking apartment complex with many vines and plants hanging from different balconies and windows. "Thank you," I smiled and made to get out but was stopped by the door locking.


I turned to him, stunned he would even lock the door. I calmed my temper, knowing this was my fault, and fished out my wallet from my purse. I handed him the correct amount before getting out of the car and grabbing my suitcase. He quickly rolled away from the curb and back into traffic.

"Rude much?" I muttered, pulling my suitcase to the glass lobby doors and over the front desk.

"Hello, my name is L/n Y/n. I'm here for my room key?"

Her eyes scanned my face before lowering to the computer where her fingers began to glide across the keyboard.

"Ah yes. Room 1210, building A, floor 5." She turned around and sifted through a drawer before grabbing out a keyring and handing it to me. "Remember, rent is due the first Thursday of the month, no pets, and keep the noise to a minimum. The pool is open 8-10 and please treat everyone respectfully."

I nodded, my frown deepening on the last part. Does she think because I'm foreign, I automatically don't know any of the customs here? 

"Thank you, goodnight." I turned and walked out the doors, pushing the conversation from my head. I started looking for building A, smiling when I found the lit-up building not far from the street. 

I crossed the parking lot and began my assent up the stairs to floor 5. The elevators were being cleaned at the moment. 

As soon as I saw my numbered door, my body started shaking in excitement. Here it is! My new life.

I unlocked the door and pushed inside the dark room. I felt along the wall for the light switch and watched as the entire space was illuminated.

The floors were a clean white tile, the walls filled with windows, and the kitchen was a matching white and grey.

"I love it," I squealed, twirling in the empty space where my furniture would soon go. It shouldn't take too long for it to get here. Maybe 2 days at most I think the driver said. I was on a happy high so I definitely was not listening.

I made my way to the balcony and stepped out into the warm evening air. The cars and busses passed on the quiet street while lights lit up not far below from different shops. Near my building I could see a family splashing in the lit-up pool, giggles floating through the air. I smiled, knowing I'd be at the pool later in the week. 

However, I wasn't here for the amenities as much as I was for the view and location. Building A was just what I needed. 

I glanced across the street to the next apartment complex, lit up and probably 20 times more luxurious than mine. It was stunning. I was sure rich people lived there.

I opened my phone and searched Google Maps as I mapped out the area around me. Everything had been planned perfectly. The HYBE building was a few blocks away. A good walking distance. Now I would just have to be on my best watch to figure out the last thing I need.

I smiled to myself and grabbed a towel from my suitcase. What was the last thing I need you might wonder? Well, it's easy. 

I need to find out where they live of course.


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