Chapter 4

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I spent the next few days in a daze. When I wasn't asleep, I found myself in the shower. No matter how many blankets or how hot the water was, I could not get warm. The only person that bothered to try to talk to me was Alex, it seemed as though Mom and Jay got the hint I wanted to be left alone. I wondered if the constant tired feeling I was having lately had anything to do with the horribly vivid dreams that kept me awake at night. The car crash from when I was little was on a constant loop anytime I managed to doze off. 

A throbbing headache woke me up this morning. I could barely see the clock; the pounding caused my vision to blur. After focusing on the blue numbers for a long time, I could finally make out the time – 5:50 a.m. Today marked one week since my accident. I slumped back under the covers and pulled the pillow over my head in an attempt to soothe the ache in my head. I haven't had this bad of a migraine in a while, I suspected it had something to do with the lack of sleep I've been getting.

Every pulse of my heart seemed to send a new wave of pain coursing through my head. I felt tears slip out as I squeezed the pillow tighter. Suddenly, the pain shifted. It was as if someone was dragging their nail down the center of my brain. My eyes shot open, and I threw the pillow to the side. With my eyes open, the pain seemed to lessen. I stared at the faint light filtering in from the streetlights outside my window. As if nothing else around me existed, I felt the migraine fade as I focused on the light.

My attention immediately shifted to the doorway as a sound made its way into my room. I sat up in surprise.

Dammit, Andrea! I gave you your time. If you aren't ready to talk to her, then she needs the medication.

I need more time, Jay; she needs more time!

We are out of time! How long do you think before they see the news and come looking?

It sounded muffled, but it was definitely the sound of my parents arguing. It was strange, I knew it was coming from the hall, but it sounded like it was coming from everywhere. I couldn't pinpoint the exact location. Were they in the kitchen? It sounded distant, but I don't remember being able to hear things that far. Unless they're yelling?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I laid my head back onto my remaining pillow and stared at the rotation of the ceiling fan. I lay there for a few moments, drinking in the silence. Maybe I was dreaming. I closed my eyes, but immediately opened them again.

She is mine and he can not have her!

Not dreaming. That was much louder than before. I sat back up and studied my door, considering my options. Did I really feel like getting into an argument this morning? At least my headache seemed to have subsided. I peeled the blanket off and shook off the chill that went down my spine as my bare feet touched the cold floor. Pushing off the bed, I made my way towards the door, thinking of what I was going to say.

Sucking in a deep breath, I pulled my door open. I was met with the dark hall. Confused, I quietly made my way down the stairs and peeked into the kitchen. The entire house was dead silent and dark. I was very confused. It sounded like the voices were right outside my door, but there was no trace of anyone. Am I going crazy? When I was little, I often complained of hearing things, but I don't remember hearing actual people.

Turning on my heels, I made my way back up to my bedroom. I expected the wave of exhaustion that plagued me all weekend to hit me, but it didn't. Instead, I felt a surge of energy, it was exhilarating. Feeling a familiar chill creep over me, I made for the bathroom, stripping as I went. I turned the water on and didn't wait before hopping in. I cursed at the icy water that pelted my skin, but it soon began to heat up to a comfortable temperature. I could see the steam rising from the shower, fogging the mirror. I reached and turned the water hotter. After about 20 minutes, the water began to cool, which was my cue to dry off.

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