Chapter 3

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The sound of clanking pots and pans woke me. I opened my eyes and squinted at the sunlight pouring in through the open window. I lay there for a few moments before the most delicious smell pulled me from bed. I threw the blanket off scrambled out of bed and let my nose guide me. As I get near the kitchen, I hear the soft humming of Dad and the sizzle of bacon. He was standing at the stove swaying in time to the song he was humming. I think it was "Easy Like Sunday Morning." I tried to stay quiet as I tip-toed in behind him, but he whirled around and scooped me up instantly.

"Well good morning rosebud," His warm brown eyes lighten as he twirls me before setting me down on one of the stools at the bar. "How did you sleep?"

Before I could reply, his eyes snapped towards the doorway. I followed his gaze to find Mom standing in the doorway, her eyes narrowed, and a chill went down my spine at the emotions in those eyes. She b-lined for the coffee pot, grabbed the largest mug in the cupboard, and filled it with the steaming brew before lifting the cup and taking a long swig. Dad straightened and turned back to the stove.

We ate in uncomfortable silence. Mom didn't eat, she only poured a couple more mugs of coffee. After we finished, Mom and Dad left the room to pack the car. I could hear the faint sounds of arguing coming from their room. I ignored it as I normally do.

Once the car was packed up, I felt the excitement rise in my stomach. I'd never been on a plane before, and I was super excited. Dad helped me into my booster seat, and we set off. Dad and I started playing eye spy as we drove down the winding road that led to the airport. The sky began to darken and there was a faint rumble of thunder and flash of lightning. Mom interrupted our game and began cursing at Dad for not checking the weather before we left. This led to yet another argument.

I looked out the window and tuned them out. Not before I heard Mom call Dad some choice words. I must have dozed off because I was jolted away by a quick jerk of the car and my dad shouting. There was a loud metallic crunch and I remember feeling like I was on a roller coaster and the only thing keeping me in my seat was my seatbelt. Once the car stopped, I began screaming for my dad. His seat was empty.

"DAD!" I gasped out clutching the sheets.

A layer of sticky sweat covers my body as waves of nausea flood over me. I try to wipe the sweat from my forehead but find that my wrists are bound. Panic washes over me as I realize that I am not in my bedroom. My eyes adjust to the harsh light and find I am inside of an all-white room, it doesn't quite look like a hospital room, but it doesn't look like a hotel either. My sudden outburst caused a rush of people in white to flock into the room and hover over me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my mom sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

She looks bored. The people in white begin shining lights in my eyes and I can feel their icy hands on my skin. I let out a scream as their touch caused my head to throb painfully. My skin feels like it is on fire as their icy hands move over me. Suddenly, I feel a sharp prick in my arm and the edge of my vision begins to blur. The people in white slowly start to trickle out of the room as it all starts to fade to black.

This time when I wake up, my migraine has subsided, and the sweat seems to have dried. I can taste the salt of dried sweat on my lips. I am extremely thirsty and very hot. My eyes adjust to the lights to find my wrists are no longer bound; only thin red rings remain. I look over to find my mom sitting in the same chair as before, this time sound asleep. I cleared my throat and her eyes shot open. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at me. She rushed over and sat on the edge of my bed, taking my hand in hers.

"Oh, Saige honey, you scared me to death!" The concern is evident in her voice. It took me by surprise. My mom may have always been here for me since Dad, but she has never shown her concern over anything that wasn't related to Jay or Alex.

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