Chapter 2

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When I was younger, I would have just gone to the nurse to take my medicine, but a couple of years ago, there was a new rule passed by the school board. It said that unless it was life-saving medicine, like an EpiPen or an inhaler, the nurse was not allowed to keep prescriptions and students were prohibited from carrying them. My mom did try to argue my case, but it was shot down. An anti-psychotic was not deemed 'life saving'. It all started because some parents raised concerns about prescription medication being passed around in schools. I knew whose parents were the root of the problem, Rachel Adams.

Rachel Adams had always been a thorn in my side since middle school after her parents called me a drug addict and got into a huge argument with my mom. She used to be one of my close friends. Her, Zach and I would do everything together. But since her parents forced us to not be friends, she has become my biggest bully. It feels stupid to be 18 and to still be afraid of my middle school bully, but she made life unbearable. The only time she hasn't been a horrible menace was when Zach and I were hanging out.

I tried to not take the medicine, tried to be normal. But the consequences of not taking them make everyday tasks impossible. I started taking them right after we moved here, right after the accident. I have pretty severe PTSD which gives me horrible nightmares and paranoia. I would hear voices and my head would hurt to the point of passing out.

The first few classes drag on as my migraine only seems to get worse. I know that it was in my head, I should not feel the withdrawal symptoms until around the 6-hour mark after a missed dose. The pills themselves are massive and blue, they remind me of a robin's egg. I hated taking them when I was little, it made me sick to my stomach to have to swallow the quarter-sized pills. To avoid taking them, I used to time myself to see how long I could last between doses. The longest I could bear was probably 24 hours. By that time, the migraines were so severe I would get angry at the smallest things.

I made it through 3 classes without incident, but as I sat in my 4th period Biology class, I felt a growing sense of dread. Lunch was next. Normally, I would sit with Zach, which would keep me fairly safe. But since the events that caused my bruise took place in front of a decent chunk of the student body, word got around to Rachel that I was fair game. I only paid half attention to Mrs. Alberts as she talked about this week's assignments; something about DNA and Genetics. I was too focused on the ever-growing pit in my stomach. I shut my eyes as the bell rang, trying to soothe the nausea in my stomach as students filed out of the room around me. I felt a tear slip from my eye from the pain in my head and the queasiness in my stomach.

I stood from my seat as the room emptied and slowly made my way into the hall. I felt as if I was floating down the hall along with the steady flow of students pushing their way to the lunchroom. I felt my mind clear a tiny bit as we approached the main hall, before being sucked in, I ducked into a quiet corner to compose myself. I shut my eyes and began massaging my temples when all of a sudden, I heard this tiny voice coming from beside me.

"Hi!" The tiny voice squeaked. I turned to find a pair of very vibrant emerald eyes. 

The owner of those eyes was a tiny girl standing directly in front of me. She was short, and couldn't have been more than 5' 3" with long bubble gum pink hair. Her skin was so pale it was almost translucent. Her hair was wound into two thick braided pigtails that were fastened with a lavender ribbon. Her bangs, which perfectly frame her round face, were tucked behind her ears revealing her very stretched ear lobes. Her cheeks were a vibrant shade of reddish pink, and her eyeliner and mascara made her eyes look huge. Her dress was white with strawberries painted on paired with fishnet stockings and a rather industrial-looking pair of black combat boots. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't looking at some sort of anime character. She looked like she stepped right out of one of those comics that Zach would read.

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