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After a tearful night, Haerin ended up waking up in her favorite place ever since she was a kid....

Y/n's arms.

Her eyes fluttered open and she snuggled against Y/n's chest like a child in a parent's warm embrace.

"Are you okay?" Y/n gently kissed her forehead.

"Mhm, why are you awake?" Haerin mumbled back.

- Haerin POV -

I was dozing off in the car on the way to Y/n's school.

Apparently, under grandma's wishes, Y/n returned back to the same school they had dropped out of. Grandma really wanted Y/n to become a doctor when we were growing up. I guess Y/n didn't want to disappoint her even in death.

"Here, I knew you'd do this," Y/n suddenly grabbed a blanket from the back seat.

I had insisted to come with Y/n even though it was barely 5am.

Y/n needed to go talk to the school's admissions. Apparently, the foundation that had given Y/n a full ride the year prior wanted to pay their tuition again. I thought it was really nice of them to understand that Y/n was just under a complex situation and  didn't drop out because they couldn't handle school.

I was always jealous of how well liked Y/n was.

Y/n was very charismatic, smart, and kind. The foundation had found them as a prime candidate to represent the foundation once they started their residency, but of course....

Life never goes as planned.

"Haerin, Haerin-ei, Kitty Kang," I suddenly felt someone shake me awake.

I guess I had fallen asleep the entire car ride to Y/n's school.

"Huh?!" I jolted up from my sleep.

"We're here. Do you want to stay in the car or come inside?" Y/n gently stroked my hair.

I was too sleepy to give a response, but started tapping my way to the door latch so I could get out.

"Okay," Y/n got the hint and got out the car themselves.

We were making our way to the admission office, when we suddenly bumped into one of Y/n's old classmates or maybe friend.... I wasn't too sure...

"Looks like the golden child is back for med," Y/n's friend coldly greeted.

"Oh- Hi, Sunbae!" Y/n gave her a polite bow

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"Oh- Hi, Sunbae!" Y/n gave her a polite bow.

I had never actually seen Y/n bow to anybody who wasn't a teacher, grandma, or a cop, so that told me that Y/n really respect this girl.

"And who might this be?" The girl asked.

"Umm, yeah. Haerin this is Kang Seulginim. She's a sunbae currently in grad school," Y/n turned to me to introduce her.

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