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While Haerin and Dani shared their first kiss as a couple, Y/n was waiting to see when Minji would wake up.

Minji had been sleeping for a while now and even after Y/n tried to wake her up, Minji wouldn't budge.

- Minji POV -

I could feel the cold air around me. It was causing me to shiver, and the shivers caused me to finally wake up.

"Ummrrr," I groaned out a headache immediately hit me.

"Finally up?" I heard Y/n's voice to the side of me.

I looked over to find Y/n drinking a hot cup of coffee.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Well, Haerin and Danielle went on a date. I guess they're dating now. Hanni went home and gave Hyein a ride on the way," Y/n explained.

There was a lot of information to unfold in that explanation alone, so I couldn't just get stuck in the fact that Y/n called the social worker by her name... like I always did....

So, I chose to say... "Did you say dating?"

"Did those two finally get together?" I started to tease Y/n. 

I had only known Y/n for about six months, but one thing I knew probably better than anyone... was how much Y/n's grandma wanted Haerin and Danielle to date...

Whenever Y/n would talk about it, they sounded so uninterested about it but I knew that Y/n secretly hoped that they would get together. Just like their grandma hoped for the same thing.

"Yeah, they're dating," Y/n rolled their eyes as if uninterested before walking over to refill their coffee cup.

It got quiet for a bit and I figured that this would be the time to finally get some time alone with Y/n.

"Umm, since the girls are out on a date... how about we spend some time together? You know, you've been really busy with work and Haerin lately. It would be good for you to just feel your age for once," I nervously suggested.

I myself hadn't had much time as it was.

I was either at school or working at my dad's company. So, I thought it would be nice to spend some of my free time with the one person that was always on my mind.

"Ummm... sure. Why not!" Y/n seemed to go for it.

"I'll just finish my coffee and get ready," they followed with a cute smile.

"Okay, yeah. Do you mind if borrow some clothes and a toothbrush?" I shyly asked.

"Of course not. There's new brushes in the bathroom and feel free to wear whatever you'd like," Y/n responded.

It didn't take long for me to get ready.

Y/n was quick too. They just brushed their teeth and put on an overcoat with their boots.

"Where are we going anyway?" Y/n asked as we walked through the streets.

"You'll see!" I giggled out.

It was a surprise.

I didn't want Y/n to change their mind or want to go back home after I told them what we were doing. 

"It better be something Indoors. It's cold outside!" Y/n began to complain.

I couldn't help but giggle.

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