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"Mhm, and then we got some food and went home to cuddle!" Haerin cutely told her friend.

Haerin had been going to school as if nothing happened for the last week. She was doing her best to hide the fact that she had lost another person in her life.

Yet, her best friend knew something was different...

- Danielle POV -

I watched Haerin's smile play a part in her deceit. She had been acting as if everything was okay, but I knew things weren't okay when Granny stopped coming around to pick her up.

For years, I watched as Haerin's adoptive Grandmother came to pick her up from school everyday. She'd stand by the cherry blossom tree everyday and wait for Haerin to walk out....

But recently, Granny stopped coming.

Haerin had told me how Granny was sick and she was scared to tell Y/n, but all of a sudden... she acted as if there was not much to worry about.

"Y/N!!!!" Haerin suddenly squealed and took off running.

I was a bit confused for a second. Until, I saw Y/n step right underneath the very same cherry blossom tree Granny used to stand in.

My head dropped immediately when I realized the sudden replacement of individuals.

"Heyyyy! How was school!?" Y/n excitedly opened their arms to catch a rushing Haerin and spun her around.

I always felt a bit inferior to Y/n when it came to cheering up Haerin.

Y/n was all Haerin would talk about sometimes. At times, it sounded like Y/n even barely paid attention to her, but Haerin insisted that Y/n was the best person in the world.

"Hey, did she do okay today?" I was suddenly approached.

"Huh?" I realized Y/n was trying to pull me out of my thoughts.

"I'm just asking if you two had a good day?" Y/n tried to clarify.

I nodded with contempt and looked down at how Haerin held onto Y/n's hand.

"You're welcomed home anytime you'd like. Haerin and I have a lot of space to host some company. I would also really appreciate it if you attended Granny's funeral," Y/n tried to be as formal as possible.

"I knew something was wrong," I tried not to choke on the knot forming in my throat.

"Ooh- I- I... okay, yes. Thank you!" I tried to get some words out, but I was in shock.

"Y/n will take good care of us when you come visit!" Haerin said with one of the fakest smile I had ever seen on her.

Haerin looked unease... afraid.... lost even....

But, so did Y/n.

Both their empty eyes and fake smiles acting as their crutch. Yet, they both held each other's hand as if there was nothing to worry about.

As if announcing a death was nothing to be afraid of.

- Y/N POV -

Dani was as polite as ever when it came to the sudden news.

I knew I could trust Danielle with Haerin when it came to school. They were best friends and always told each other everything. Dani and Haerin were practically inseparable at times...

Granny always acted as if she wanted them to fall in love, but I always found it as hopeful thinking. 

It always sounded a bit impossible to me for someone like Danielle, who is well adjusted in life, to fall for someone like Haerin.

"Why did you pick me up today?!" Haerin squealed out as she jumped around.

She looked happier than she had in the last week.

"One of my job interviews was cancelled!" I tried to reply with the same enthusiasm.

"Oohh, is that why you finally had time to tell people about Granny's funeral?" Haerin stopped in her tracks and tilted her head at me.

"Mhm," I hummed out.

The less I said, the better.

Truth was....,

Grandma was a bit of a reclusive lady. She liked to stay away from people as best as she could. She liked to be alone, deal with her problems on her own, and raise her family to her standards.

Grandma never really had close friends or people she felt appreciated her presence.

In reality, Grandma was a bit on an outcast.... but she sure had an iron armor. Nothing could hurt her, nothing could hurt her kids, besides herself, and nothing could hurt her grandkids....

Blood related or not.

Grandma was strong and confident on her own.

Soon enough, Haerin and I got home. I had prepared some soup before picking Haerin up and luckily it was just the right temperature when I returned.

"Y/n, I'm not hungry," Haerin suddenly mumbled.

This had been the 27th time that Haerin had told me that within the week.

"It's okay. I'm not hungry too, but it's what Granny would've wanted," I tried to encourage her.

It was hard to get Haerin to eat sometimes and reminding her that food is an essential Granny wanted for us was the only way to get her to eat sometimes.

- Haerin POV -

"Hello?" I heard Y/n answer the phone right after dinner.

It was a bit odd. I rarely ever saw Y/n receive calls. I was starting to think that maybe they didn't have any close friends or much people to talk to.

"Oh, Danielle! Yes, of course. Come by whenever you'd like!" Y/n followed up on the phone.

My head immediately dropped when I realized it was Dani.

To be honest, I didn't want Danielle coming over or having anything to do with my home life. I didn't want to drag Dani into the sad world I lived in outside of school.

Danielle was the only distraction I had from the real world. I didn't want her seeing what things were really like for me. Specially now that Granny was gone.

"Yeah, anytime!" Y/n said over the phone, before hanging up.

"You didn't have to do that," I mumbled under my breath.

"Huh?" Y/n furrowed their brows at me.

"I don't need more emotional support. I'm used to people leaving and me missing them. I'm used to grieving for people that are never going to come back. I don't need more people feeling bad for me. I already have you for that," I exhaled out before storming off into my room.








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