Chapter 15

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Tears formed in Izuku's eyes again as he saw a young man with spiky brown hair tied back, and a pair of ash gray eyes he recognized.

Izuku got up from the floor hug with Katsuki and walked cautiously towards Rody, the tears had subsided and left wet marks on his cheeks. Izuku carefuy places his hand on Rody's chest to see if he was just imagining it. His hand said otherwise when it came into contact with Rody's body.

He pued him into a hug, which Rody returned. Katsuki felt his blood boil with jealousy while he watched Izuku hug another man. Suddenly Izuku stabbed Rody in the back with a stick that was on the floor and pushed the now dead body on the floor.

"What the hell?" Katsuki asked, trying to process what just happened. "That was not the real Rody." Izuku said tears were sti faing from his eyes. "How could you tell?" Katsuki asked.

"Rody was never the one for public aection. His body would tense up immediately if I hugged him in front of someone. Even if it was someone he knew. Rody doesn't know you so normay his body would've tensed up when I hugged him just now, even if he hasn't seen me in years. But his body didn't tense at a. It was completely calm. So not the real Rody." Izuku concluded.

Katsuki stared at Izuku in shock, and was a little bit relieved, it meant that Izuku's past lover was not back from the dead. Katsuki wrapped his arms from behind around Izuku's waist and placed a hand on his stomach.

And asked one more question he had for Izuku. "You never told me how you got pregnant though." Izuku's face lit a bright red at the question.

"um...We...You see...If I know what....with another..... vampire. I am able to..... produce a......child and.....give birth." Izuku said quietly, embarrassed by the straightforward question about his pregnancy.

"Is that so?" Katsuki said with a smirk, liking the idea of having a kid with the love of his life in the future. "Is there a way I can I become a vampire?" Katsuki asked. Izuku's face turned red, realizing that Katsuki basicay asked how he could have a child with him.

"You have to feed on a vampire's blood or you have to be born one." Izuku said. "Okay. Wi you let me feed on you, to be with you forever." Katsuki asked.

"Yes!" Izuku said before they shared a passionate kiss.

The end....or is it....

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