Chapter 5

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TW mentions of blood (not bad tho)

My eyes flutter open and I lift my body up,
searching for the person who closed the door. I see no one and make the conclusion that Pansy has come up to bed. I walk out of my room and into our small shared space with a small kitchen with just little essentials and a few snacks. My view shifts to Pansy sitting on a small chair in the middle of the room by a little fireplace.

"Hey Pans, whatcha doin?" I ask, taking the seat next to her.

"I was waiting for you to wake up because I have something insane to tell you!" Pansy squealed.

"Ok spill!" I get antsy.

"Ok so we were playing a small round of truth or dare to make Blaise happy and it got to Theo and Enzo asked Theo who he liked..." Pansy began.

"Continue..." I smile.

"At first he said no one and everyone got mad because that's boring and whatever but then he said 'If I had to chose one girl I guess Y/n is pretty hot'" Pansy imitated Theo's voice.

I could feel the pink covering my face. I hid my face in my hands and heard his words echoing again "doll" but still I could hear the faint words of Mattheo.

"Y/n?" Pansy pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry I just- I" I squealed and we both laughed.

"Girl you should make a move or something!"

"No way. If he wants it, he'll initiate it." I saw calmly

"Okkkkkk if ya say so....." Pansy drags out the so at the end. I smile and we chit chat for about an hour. Just then there's a knock at the door.

Pansy hops up and opens the door "sure yeah we'll be down in a sec" Pansy nods her head.

"Who-" Pansy cuts me off.

"Get dressed. There's a party." Pansy claps her hands.

I walk into my closet that has many racks, most of which are empty because I planned to do some shopping when we got here. I grab two different dresses and I lay them down on the bed.

Pansy walks in and takes a look at the two dresses sat on the bed. "Ok the red one is gorgeous" she states pointing at a short, fitted, sparkly red dress, "but since this is a Ravenclaw party, you should wear your house color" Pansy adds as she reaches for the short fitted silky green dress. It has a small triangular slit on the left leg.

I pull in on are stare in the mirror. I decide since this is a pretty dark dress I'll pair it with some sparkly heels. I put some bandaids above my heel to prevent blisters because lord knows how bad those hurt.

I decide not to bring a bag since I have no idea what this party will entail. I curl my hair and put on almost a full face of makeup. Lip liner, lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, and more. I make sure to add eyeliner into the waterline of my eye because it makes my eyes darker and adds to the look.

I step out of my room and me and Pansy hype each other up a bit before heading down. We meet up with all the boys in the common room and take our heels off to avoid the clicking as we walk down the halls of the school.

"What's your name?" A first year Ravenclaw asks as he looks down at his sheet of paper that has a list of names on it. Poor guy.

"Don't be ridiculous." Mattheo dryly states as we all follow him in like little puppies. The Ravenclaws don't throw parties often I've heard. They spend most of their time studying or whatever. All of a sudden all my friends are gone and all I see are flashing blue lights and hear blaring music. I try and step through the crowd of kids making out and dancing on one another. Then I spot a familiar face.

"Y/n! There you are!" Theo shouts as I walk over to him. "Wanna dance?" He smirks, holding his hand out for me to grab. I accept and we walk out to the middle of the crowd. We start facing each other, his hands on my hips, swaying side to side.

"You look so pretty!" He yells louder than necessary. I can smell the alcohol in his breath. I thank him and tell him I'm going to find Pansy. "OK!" He yells again.

Just then I'm stopped by a guy who I've never seen. He's tall and blonde, but not that good looking. "Wanna dance?" He asks and I politely decline and try to walk off again. He grabs my arm harshly and pull me onto him. "No cmon baby let's dance!" I try to get away but he's just to strong.

"GET OFF ME!" I shout and kick him with my heel.

"Oh you little bitch." He says and twists my arm slightly. Pain shoots up my body and a tear falls from my eye. Just then the guy is no longer on me and Mattheo has him pinned to the ground, punching him repeatedly. Blaise runs over to me and ushers me out. We leave the party and head back to the Slytherin common room.

Once we're all there we wait nervously for Mattheo, curious if he got caught or got away before any teacher could see.

He steps into the common room covered in blood. His nose is dripping and his lip isn't doing much better. I look down at his hands and his knuckles are covered in blood.

"Holy fuck!" I state rushing over examining the state of him. The boys clap and Pansy scoffs. "Ok we have to at least clean your lip up because that looks bad." I state rushing him up to my room the boys and Pansy follow. He sits up on the counter and looks down at me. Something's different though. He doesn't have a cold hard expression. He looks soft and gentle. Except for the fact that he's dripping with blood.

I rummage through a cabinet to find my first aid kit. I reach in and grab it and hand it to Mattheo. I then grab a washcloth and put some warm water from the sink on it. I gently tap the blood off his knuckles and face. Both his lip and nose have stopped bleeding along with his hands. When all the extra blood is off I reach for the disinfectant.

"Noooo" he groans in complaint. By now everyone else has gone back down to the common room to talk about the recent events. Once again the smell of alcohol fills my lungs.

"Your drunk." I state plainly.

"No I'm notttttt I just- you I- ...yeah" he admits.

I dab some disinfectant on the cuts which causes him to wince. "Hurt?" I ask and he nods his head no.

"This hurt." He laughs attempting to point at a scar on his arm. I don't smile or laugh I just ignore it. I won't give drunk Mattheo any attention when regular Mattheo won't even look at me.

"You You're nice to me..... why?" Mattheo asks.

"Why would I be mean?" I ask genuinely curious.

"I don't know..." he laughs a drunken laugh "everyone is at first... cuz you know my dadddd and stuffffffff" Mattheo slurs his words. I feel bad for the guy.

"Well I'm not like that. You aren't your parents." I say trying to sound as unempathetic as possible. It's hard to not care about someone when they tower over you, have brown curly hair, the prettiest chocolate brown eyes, and a kind (drunk) smile. I force myself to realize he's only talking to me because he's drunk. But again he's so hot that it's hard to not fantasize.

I wrap his knuckles in gauze and give him a clean washcloth with warm water for his lip. It'll bruise pretty bad but nothing worse than that.

We walk downstairs and I hand him over to Theo to walk him back to their room.

I shower and prepare for bed hoping to leave tonight behind me

WC 1371

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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