Chapter 2

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  The train arrived at Hogwarts. The castle was huge and had many lights and bridges crossing. It was beautiful. I stood and admired it for a minute before feeling a pair of eyes on me again. I turn quick, in hopes of catching the stalker but instead just see Mattheo there again, in his own world.

  After finally heading in everyone takes a seat at a table. Except for the first years who wait to be housed. I sit by Draco for now, anticipating my turn.

Finally all the first years get through and Dumbledore begins to speak. "Welcome back students and welcome all new first years. Today we have a new student joining us who is not a first year. Y/n Potter please come up for your sorting!" I hear some gasps, some whispers, and some laughing. I choose to ignore it because they don't know me so they're judgement has no effect whatsoever.

"Hmmmm a Potter huh? Wise, ambitious, maybe even a little greedy..." I giggle a bit at the bluntness of the hat.

"Not Gryffindor, not Gryffindor..."  I whisper to myself. The hat hears and compares me to my unknowing brother.

"Ha! Your just like your brother aren't you! But you could do great things there...." The hat suggests. I regret by whispers and sit still. "I'm going to go with.... Slytherin!" The crown cheers and I smile widely.

I walk down and sit back by Draco. Before I'm even settled I'm bombarded with questions.  All mostly about my brother.

"Yo Y/n I didn't know you and Potter were siblings!" Theodore laughs.

"Guys stop. Even though Harry is my brother I haven't even seen him since I was only a few weeks old. I know nothing about him and honestly don't want anything to do with him." I don't want to be over dramatic but I also don't want to be here while everyone is whispering about me so I stand and begin to walk.

I don't quite know where I'm walking to, seeing as I have no idea where anything is but I'll figure it out before long.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice shouts. I turn and Draco us following behind me. "At least let me show you to the dorms." He said, leading the way.

"Listen I know they can be a lot but trust me they don't mean bad. They just don't know when to have a good laugh and when to be serious." Draco defends his friends.

"No I get it, plus it's not just them I honestly don't mind that to be honest it's kind of nice to joke about it. It's just everyone one whispering and giggling, you know?"

"Yeah I get it. Here, pure blood." Draco says which makes the huge round door click open. "So this is the common room where everyone just chills. And then on this side is the guys dorm rooms and on that side is girls. I'm assuming you'll be sharing with Pansy since she's been roomateless for a while now." I giggle and say my thanks and goodbyes to Draco.

I then realize I have no idea which dorm room is mine. So I sit on the couch in the common room and read for a bit. I don't know how long I'd been reading for but at some point I dozed off.

All of a sudden my eyes flutter open and I see a boy sitting in the chair by the couch that I'm laying on. I jump a bit but settle down once I realize who it is.

"Mattheo what are you doing here?" I ask.  He looks almost annoyed as he lifts his head from his book.

"Reading." His tone is cold.

"Oh ok... what are you reading...." He says nothing and just holds up the book, putting the cover on display. I sigh and just mumble some words to myself because he clearly doesn't want a conversation.

"How about you?" his tone is still cold and his question was said in more of a statement manner. I said nothing and did as he did. I held my book up and gave him a cheeky smile, confirming that I was indeed mocking him.

He didn't smile nor did his expression change but it felt as if the whole room shifted. As if the air had all been stolen and replaced with new fresh air.

Then a mob of Slytherins entered to room and began piling onto the couches and area surrounding them.

"Yo Y/n sorry about earlier, didn't know it would make you all upset." Theodore sighed.

"Nah it's fine. You weren't really the probably the room just felt a bit heavy with everyone whispering." I half smiled at Theodore which made him full smile at me.

I look over at Mattheo and all of a sudden all of the old air has returned and the room has shifted to its old position. Again nothing about his expression changed, but something inside him did, I could tell.

"Hey who's down for truth or dare?" Blaise asks the group. No one says anything so we all break the silence by laughing.

"Listen Blaise as much fun as that sounds, we're all pretty tired. We have a whole week before classes start we'll do it sometime then." Pansy acknowledges.

"Yeah whatever..." Blaise pouts. I look down and smile at his ridiculousness as he's sprawled out across the floor.

"Hey Pansy? Do you think you could show me to my dorm?" I ask trying not to laugh at the tomfoolery happening to the side of me. Draco and Blaise started play fighting and Enzo was about to jump on top of the two rolling on the ground. Meanwhile, Theodore is just yelling FIGHT FIGHT!!!

"Yeah of course, your rooming with me!" She says as we watch the madness take place.

"Hey Theo I'm going to have to miss the smoke tonight." Mattheo says plainly, as he trudged up the stairs to his dorm. The boys rolling on the ground began mocking his tone and walk.

"Theo?! Woah can I call you Theo!?" I asked, enjoying the nickname.

"Of course, doll." He smiled. Doll!? Doll. No way he called me doll. Listen Theos the guy I saw originally, before I even got in the train and don't get me wrong he's not bad looking... he's just not.... Just not Mattheo. Even though I don't think Mattheo likes me very much I can't lie and say he's not hot. Because he most definitely is.

I smile and say goodnight to all the boys when Pansy motions up the stairs. "K night guys!" I smile and wave.

"Night!" They all say in unison as me and Pansy walk up the stairs. We're a few stories up and we each have our own rooms inside the dorm. It's huge. My bedroom even has its own bathroom. It's sort of like a mini apartment. I shower and unpack then head to my head which is extremely comfy. I'm knocked out within 2 minutes.

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This one was also pretty long and kind of boring. I'm hoping to speed the plot up but with the plot I have in mind it may take a white to start moving so sorry. Thanks for reading so far! Hope your enjoying.

I solemnly swear I don't Hate you~~ a Mattheo Riddle x reader story Where stories live. Discover now