Chapter 1

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It's not uncommon for people to float by me, for the most part I'm a background character. Sometimes I wonder if I'm one of those background characters that everyone fan girls over because I'm really hot or if I just blend in. Probably not the first option, but it's nice to pretend sometimes.

I'm sure we all know the all powerful, wonderful, boy who lived, Harry Potter. Growing up he was always known as that. Of course, he wasn't aware because he had nothing to do with the Wizarding world.

However I always have. Let me take you back.

Me and Harry are Twins, which would make no sense if you've heard his story. "No one survived except of course, Harry Potter!" But I did survive, just not as heroically. See, I was off at our grandparents. They didn't live long after the accident however and I was handed over to the Malfoy Family.

I've never been treated the best by them because I'm not a "pure blood" but Draco has always cared for me like a sister. I'm younger but not by much, yet he still acts like I'm 5.

I've never actually attended Hogwarts because the Malfoy family was to ashamed to send me out with their darling pure blood son.

Until this year. They are finally allowing me to attend, with of course the promise that I'll never associate myself as their family. I am a Potter and a Potter only. Tomorrow is my first day and Im all packed. I'm not far behind my class either because even though I'm not a Malfoy, I have the drive of one. Draco has always taught me the lessons he learned on holidays. I'm actually quite good at magic, if I do say so myself. Especially potions, they are my specialty.

Time Skip

My alarm is blaring and my head is pounding. What a great way to start my first day! I hop up and grab some clothes that are comfy but cute. I slip of some fuzzy socks that are black and white stripped and I head out the door, attempting to lift all my luggage at once. I failed miserably and needed assistance from Draco but we got out the door safely. At least for the most part.

We arrive at the train and before getting on I see someone among the crowd. He's tall and has straight brown hair. He's quite handsome but he's smoking. Disgusting. I don't understand the charm of smoking. It smells bad and is terrible for your lungs. "Y/n cmon!" I hear Draco shout. I follow him through the crowd as I'm handed an outfit to throw on before we reach Hogwarts. I'm handed a plain robe since I haven't been sorted yet and a pair of black trousers and a grey sweater. I run to the restroom to get changed and tell Draco I'll be back in a jiffy. He laughs at my wording before pointing to an area on the train that he'll be sitting at.

Once I'm changed I head over to where Draco says he'll be seated and find him quite quickly. He's been in his robe for a while now, seeing as he's been placed in Slytherin for some years now. I plop down text to Draco and my brain begins to travel.

I don't really know which house I'll be placed in. I mean of course I'm praying to Merlin I get into Slytherin because I think the Malfoy's' will personally kick me out if I don't. However, Ravenclaws are witty and smart, and Hufflepuffs are Loyal and kind (and a bit crazy). The only house I would rather drop out then be in is Gryffindor. Not only because of the hatred the Malfoy family has towards them but also because I don't feel like facing my brother any time soon. Especially considering he hasn't seen me for years and probably doesn't know I exist.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts my many tall guys walking over to me and Draco. None terribly looking 😏😏. They are all wearing Slytherin robes so I'm assuming they are Draco's friends. Two sit across from me and Draco. Both have straight brown hair, the one on the left looks oddly familiar. The left one speaks.

"Hey Draco," he states warmly, not paying me any attention. Ope! Never mind, "And who's this pretty lady you've brought along?" He adds.

"This is Y/n. She's practically my sister so don't even start Theodore," Draco responds in a protective manner. Theodore shoots both his hands up as if he surrenders. He's holding a cigarette and the smoke travels from the end. Just then the Lady with the trolley strolls by and makes him put it out on her tray. He takes one more puff before throwing it on a burn tray and the bottom of the trolly. I snarl my nose at the scent.

Just then the one on the right begins to speak. "Hello Y/n! Im Lorenzo but don't call me that, call me Enzo... please." I smile at the boys addition to the end of his words before responding.

"Hey Enzo Im Y/n but you already know that," I giggle and he smiles.

"So how come we've never seen you? You don't look like a first year," Theodore smirks, looking me up and down. Draco smacks his arm from across the table that is separating the two sides of the booth.

"Oh, well," I begin and realize I shouldn't mention my brother, seeing as that would probably ruin my chances at making any friends at all this year. Unless they are the kids that follow him around like a puppy because he's they're "hero" or whatever. Draco tells me about them all the time because they drive him insane. I think it's because he's maybe a bit jealous but Id never say that to his face. "I just.... I just haven't decided to switch schools until now." I add trying to think of something quickly. Obviously not the best thing I could have come up with but that's what I'm going to have to stick with from now on to avoid people getting suspicious.

Just then a few others decide to join us. A boy with chocolate brown skin, a girl with curled Carmel brown hair, and finally the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. He has multiple scars on his face and has dark brown curly hair.

"Nice socks," the first boy says, smiling down at me feet. My face flushes pink. Shit I forgot to change my socks! I lift my head back up and hide my face.

"I'm Blaise by the way," he adds, saying his hellos to the other around me.

"Y/n," I say in response.

Then of course the girl introduces herself as Pansy and the last guy doesn't introduce himself at all.

I give Draco a look, indicating that I'm curious. "That's Mattheo," he whispers "He doesn't talk all that much, he just kind of hangs around us." Mattheo... Mattheo... I know I've heard the name. Maybe I've met him before or something.

"Do I know him?" I ask Draco.

"I hope not, or you've got some explaining to do..." I raise an eyebrow at him so he continues, "That's Mattheo Riddle, the dark lords son." My body tenses as it clicks in my brain. I've seen his name in news paper's multiple times. "The Dark Lords Son allowed into Hogwarts" "Did Hogwarts just allow a future death eater into the castle?" The titles flood my brain. I finally am brought back to reality as he makes eye contact with me. Shit have I been staring this whole time? I look away and decide to try and join as many conversations as possible.

I try my best to add to conversations without being annoying the whole train ride however at one point I stopped trying and just began having small side convos with Pansy. She's really funny and the only girl in the group so we seemed to click in a way. Her, Blaise, and Mattheo were all in the booth parallel to us but it felt like we were all at one big table.

I could swear I was feeling a cold pair of eyes tracing my every move the whole train ride but every time I would look around everyone was talking. Except for Mattheo who was in his own world the majority or the time, reading.

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I hope y'all enjoyed. This part was pretty long but then again I have no idea how long the next parts will be. Also, if none of this makes sense it's because I'm currently writing this in new years at 2:30am. I feel like this part had to be kinda long tho cuz it sets up the whole story yk.

I solemnly swear I don't Hate you~~ a Mattheo Riddle x reader story Where stories live. Discover now