Chapter 4

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  "So.... Can you talk like in the library?" Harry asks motioning down a hallway.

"Uhm yeah sure, let me go tell my friends where I'll be and I'll meet you there..." I Hesitate. It's not that I don't like Harry or that I'm jealous of him, it's just that I've never actually talked to him. And it's pretty weird to have this bond with someone you've hardly met.

I speed walk down a long hallway and into the common room. Everyone has calmed down now and there are only two people still here.

"Hey Blaise and Pansy! I'm going to the library to talk to Harry... So uhm yeah." I say quickly, already on my way out.

"Wait what!?" Pansy shakes her head in confusion.

"Don't worry I'll tell you everything!" I yell as I practically run out of the room.

When I get to the library that Granger girl is sitting by Harry and they are whispering about something. I just smile at Harry and Hermione turns around to see who Harry is looking at.

She smiles and takes the hint as she says a soft goodbye to Harry. I smile at her and she returns it.

"Sooooo....." I say, sitting awkwardly across from my brother.

"Sooo.... Are you really my sister?" Harry asks. I look around and many eyes are on us. Many first and second years are basically drowning me in jealousy with their eyes. One girl even walks past Harry and gives him a note. I scoff and roll my eyes. He noticed it but still waits for my answer.

"Uhm yeah and listen I wanted to tell you but I had no idea how bad the situation was. I had no idea our aunt and uncle could be that cruel..." I explain where I've been and everything I've heard.

"MALFOY MANNER?!" Harry practically shouts. I hush him, remembering my promise to the Malfoy's.

"Yes but no one can know. They aren't the keenest on me... being a Potter and all."

"What's so bad about being a Potter, the ladies love me!" Harry calls which causes me to roll my eyes again.

"Maybe being the Potter isn't all that bad. But when no one knows you exist it's hard to carry that name around. Especially when your crowd isn't very fond of the family."

"I guess that fair but if your so ashamed of the name why not just change it. Your basically a Malfoy anyway," Harry questioned.

"They don't think so. As I said before, they aren't the keenest on me." I almost laugh.

"We'll Im glad we got to talk. We should do this more often I feel like we have so many years to catch up on," Harry suggests.

"Sounds good to me," I say standing up.

When I get back to the common room everyone is back and Im assuming Pansy filled them in on my where a-bouts because they are all asking questions. I answer everyone and Draco laughs and the fact that I agreed to talk to him everyday.

"Draco I don't know what your problem is with him he's not that bad," I look at Draco.

"What, Potter? He's just a filthy half blood is all," Draco scoffs.

I felt my blood boiling and my eyes begin to water. Draco's eyes plead for forgiveness as he realizes what he said. I run up to my room and Pansy follows.

"Your such an idiot Draco," I hear Pansy say as she runs up the stairs after me.

Tears stream down my face. I know he doesn't think of me the way he thinks of Harry. I would like to believe he thinks of me as his sister, as a Malfoy but it still pains me to hear him say that in the same sentence as my last name.

"Y/n? Can I come in?" I hear a familiar voice sound.

"Depends... who's with you?" I ask Pansy. There's a pause before an answer.

"No one.... Well that's a lie, Draco's here but he'll leave if you want him to." Pansy's muffled voice responds through the door. I unlock the door, using my wand and Pansy and Draco file in. Pansy hugs me before leaving me to talk to Draco. I smile at her and wave a small goodbye.

"Listen Y/n I didn't mean what I said. It was such a shitty thing for me to say. But you have to believe me when I say that I don't think of you like that. I think of you as I think of anyone else in our group. You are just as much pure blood as the rest of us even if that's not actually entirely correct." Draco comforts me.

"I understand but Harry is still my brother. I may not know him all that well yet but it doesn't change the fact that he's my only blood relative I have a tie to."

"I understand and from now on I'll try my best not to talk about him in that light."

"You couldn't do that for even a day," I laugh.

"Yeah you're right but I can do it around other people instead of in front of you," Draco laughs back. I smile and he hugs me and gives me a light kiss on the forehead.

"Wanna come back down and play some games with everyone?" Draco offers.

"I think I'll just stay up here for a bit" I smile as I climb into bed.

Soon enough I'm out like a light until I hear the door shut.

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I solemnly swear I don't Hate you~~ a Mattheo Riddle x reader story Where stories live. Discover now