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The people left the class as soon as physically possible.

I guess it was normal for almost everyone to escape Snape's presence, but i didn't have such privilege.

I kept going over the essay Snape had just called 'deplorable' well I accept the handwriting was awful since I was trying to copy Harry's but the contents were top notch.

Yes I had left out some topics because I didn't have time to study them or i didn't completely understand them yet but I've written more than enough as a second year!

Year? Oh right maybe studying about time turners may give me a clue. I mean it sent a person back in time so maybe there was some kind of reality distortion magic involved.

"Potter, I'm sure you know why you are here" Snape said locking the door.

"Because I wrote a deplorable essay that needs in your words- illuminated about its corrigendum?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Don't try to act too smart potter. You know full well that's not it" he said rounding up on me with his wand in his hand.

I knew for a fact that Snape won't severely harm me. Not under Dumbledore's watch and in a place where he will be the prime suspect now that he knows it's in fact harry.

"Say potter,did you lose your survival instincts? Or are you just too obvious as to what is going on here" Snape said raising his wand on me. I didn't even make a move to pull out my own wand.

There was no need, i didn't want a detention for pointing my wand at Snape uselessly since he won't be harming me, he's already tried legilimency on me once and that was my blackmail against him.

"Legilimency is illegal. You've already invaded my mind once, I'm sure you are happy that I haven't reported it yet but if you try doing something again I'm afraid that may not be the case" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"You think i would leave such obvious traces behind?" Was he testing me?did he want to see if I took his obvious provocation and revealed what I was thinking?

"I'm sure Headmaster Dumbledore won't be fooled by you no matter what" was that enough of a harry-like reply? I'd be done if i stayed quiet or explained the proper reasoning behind my actions.

"You've truly changed potter" he said dropping his wand arm glancing away.

"How so?" I think I can mend my mistakes in the future. It's bad enough that he figured it out.

"Fear potter, you had hate and fear towards me but now i see neither. You've cooled down your temperament to some extent and are thinking before you speak, is there a particular reason apart from wanting to change. surely all that hate didn't just disappear over night? What made you quell your suspicions of me?"

I've come prepared, Snape, what do you think I was doing these past few days.

"You helped me"

"That does not explain anything , potter"

I sighed, why was he so suspicious?right he's a double spy.

"When Quirrel cursed my broom, you were the one to counteract it, you were the only one to suspect and try to stop Quirrel. The Philosopher's Stone would have been in voldemort's hands if you hadn't decided to act and although I hate to say this but you immediately noticed and acted when you thought someone had replaced me.....I think that's enough to make me not suspect you. It's just like the headmaster said you have my best interest at heart you just don't know how to show it. That's why I've decided to give it a second chance"

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