Is this for real? (3kwords)

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I followed Hermione and Ron into the Majestic great hall.


Although i had known what to expect , the hall's ancient architecture and magic laden environment still blew my mind.

I followed them to the lion table.

As I took a seat at the red clad table a horrendous sight melted my eyes away.

Today headmaster Dumbledore had decided to punish the masses with a set of neon yellow robes with black rings.

He looked more like a radioactive bumblebee than a wizard.

"Appraisal"I whispered as Ron continued to stuff his face with delicacies while hermione had buried her own in a book.

I set Target on Dumbledore and discreetly tapped the screen.

[Object: Creature
[Name: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore]
[Gender: male]
[Species: Human
[Status: Unable to see due to low level of appraisal]
[Skills: Unable to see due to low level of appraisal
[Titles: Headmaster of Hogwarts, Chief warlock, supreme mugwump, General of Order of pheonix]

Huh? His information was hidden.
Well I guess I won't get everything handed to me because of the system, I'll have to work to lvl.up my skills.

[Name:lSeverus Tobias Snape]
[Gender: male]
[Species: Human
[Status: Unable to see due to low level of appraisal]
[Health: 40/50]
[Skills: Unable to see due to low level of appraisal]
[Titles: potions professor of Hogwarts, youngest potions master of Britain, member of Order of phoenix]

I appraised Snape and likewise his information was restricted too, although I could see that he was at lvl.69, well the headmaster must be over lvl.69 if I couldn't even see his Lvl.
I think the higher my skill Lvl is the more information I'm able to see.I was easily able to see Hermione's and Ron's information since their Lvl was low.

I was dragged to the infirmary against my wish.

I couldn't even escape back because I didn't know the way, well at least now I knew how to get to the Great hall which meant I could also access the Hufflepuff common room and kitchens which were also on the ground floor.

"There is nothing wrong with him" madam pomfrey said after waving her wand over me.

"Still here's a vial of stomach relief in case you need it" If only she took off my clothes she will see that I wasn't fine, this body was a wreck, what even was the spell she used? It didn't show anything at all, she didn't even check my pulse and heart rate for gods sake!

"See I said I'm fine" I told Ron.His worry was cute, in fact I couldn't help but find all my batchmates and even upper years cute.

After that I spent the most of my day just nodding along with whatever Ron and Hermione did and when asked why I was too quiet I would just say that I was feeling a bit under the weather.

I almost had a heart attack when ron jokingly said that where was the real harry when i said I was going to the library to get some books for Snape's homework.

"You'll help me right Hermione?" I asked her nervously "I really don't want a detention especially with Snape of all people" he was cool, most amazing and grumbly characters but I admit he was a grudge holding prejudiced A-hole towards Harry.


Once Hermione left me alone in the library after helping me with the essay I collected many books on the magical basics and smuggled them without Ron noticing.

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