Pet Peeves

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Peso: When his voice cracks in public.

Kwazii: Unscratched furniture٫ people who aren't as good at being a pirate as him.

Barnacles: People who are mean for no reason٫ extreme flavor.

Dashi: People who photo bombing her pictures. Also bunny ears in a serious photo.

Tweak: Shellington and Kwazii destroying her gups. She also hates losing against anyone in her own games.

Paani: Stories that have unhappy endings٫ big tests and slurping

Tunip: Dropping things٫ not being able to understand the Octonauts.

Ryla: Blurry pictures٫ bright lights.

Pearl: Music that doesn't rhyme. games freezing.

Min: Running out of soap٫ jokes at bad times

Inkling: OK٫ probably a lot of these but٫ lots of sugar in his late night tea٫ his monocle fogging up٫ his books constantly falling and Kwazii questioning his family.

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