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Shellington: Puts all of his food in a blender even though he's fine

Barnacles: Has a lot of cavities and is always in pain when eating

Dashi: Eats the least healthy possible diet and doesn't gain any weight at all

Tweak: Tries to eat healthy because Dashi told her to

Peso: Eats the same old food and hasn't heard of most things

Kwazii: Spicy food and CHIPPIES bag baby

Inkling: PB&J can't go wrong

Tunip: Makes everything from scratch

Natquik: What ever he can find including Nutella

Tracker: Must be warm even if he's melting


Min: Texture person

Pearl: Eats everyone's leftovers

Calico Jack: Plays with his food

Ranger Marshall: Makes a perfect plate of food

Koshi or Pinto: Week old blueberries and Chez Its

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