Dashi٫ Just Dashi

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So... this has no particular theme or plot. It's purpose is entertainment.

Camera drawer? Wouldn't they go off? Are they video or picture cameras?

She probably went to college and I'm almost positive she was an intern at the beginning.

Dashi and Ryla might hang out and write her second book. If Dashi's mentioned in the book why did she not know about the second one?

I think she might actually need smart other than with tech.

I heard she steers the Octopod when Barnacles doesn't and she always is in Above and Beyond.

Is she always going with Shellington on missions because he's bad at driving or does she go for fun?

I have to know if she has nails or sheds?

Dashi seems like she takes photos of food.

Probably hates old music. Confirmed to like rock.

Merry Christmas!

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