Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep beep ... BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEP

I groaned as my alarm blared in my ear. The repetitive beeping sends a shooting pain into my skull. I threw my arm out in an attempt to silence the alarm, but accidentally sent the copious amounts of water bottles on my nightstand crashing down to the ground. The sound only intensifies the throbbing in my head. I fumbled around in the dark until I finally found my phone and silenced its blaring noise. Reaching down, I grab one of the half-full bottles and down the remaining contents. The water helps my head slightly.

"Saige? Are you awake? You're going to be late!" My stepdad's voice echoed from downstairs.

Ignoring him, I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, 7:15 am. I instantly shoot out of bed, nearly tripping over the blanket as I scramble for the bathroom. I rushed to the sink and slathered my toothbrush with toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. While brushing, I gave myself a once over and cursed at my appearance. My hair was wild and still clung to my neck from sweat and there were light purple rings under my eyes. My already pale skin only looked more translucent when contrasted by my mop of black hair and the yellowish-brown bruise that graciously colors my right cheek.

I rinse my mouth out and splash cold water over my face in an attempt to bring some sort of color back into my sunken face. I winced as my fingers brushed over the bruise. I paused for a moment before deciding to twist my hair up into a messy bun. I threw some concealer over the bruise, hopefully, no one took a close enough look at me to notice the discoloration. I turned and stepped back into my room, looking for my trusty jeans and hoodie combo. Once all items of the ensemble were in place, I slipped my feet into my rather beat-up vans and slipped out of my room and down the stairs.

"Ah, so sleeping beauty decided to grace us with her presence." Jay, my annoying stepfather joked. Instead of replying, I grabbed a piece of toast off the table and quickly scarfed it down while gathering my school stuff. "Mom and your sister left already, so you're stuck with me." He says with a smile. Mom married Jay shortly after we moved here, if I remember correctly, they were old flames and after dad, they reconnected.

"Stepsister," I mutter when my back is turned. I nod in his direction and head towards the garage.

Before I could open the door, he grabbed my arm, causing me to turn to him. "What happened to you?" he asked, motioning to my cheek. My skin burns at the touch. I'm not shocked it took him 3 days to notice, I'm more shocked he noticed at all.

"Like you care." Is all I say as I pull out of his grip and slip inside the car.

As soon as the car door shut, I slipped my earbuds out of their case and tucked them into my ears. I had no intention of listening to him speak the entire car ride. Once he sat down and started the car, I turned the music up and leaned against the window. After a moment, I feel the car start to move and hear the steady thrum of raindrops on the windshield.

I was 6 when we first moved here. Here being Salem, Oregon. I remember being terrified of witches and werewolves eating me. Now the only thing that scares me is the thought of being trapped here in this hellhole with my parents. I swear one day I am going to wake up and find I have moss sprouting from every orifice.

My head throbbed slightly at the insistent buzzing in my pocket. Every few minutes or so my phone would vibrate in my pocket. I swore it was going to vibrate a hole right through my worn jeans. I knew who it was, there was no need to check. Zach had been messaging me constantly since Friday night. He even showed up at the house last night, luckily Alex covered for me. I don't know why I haven't blocked him yet. I guess something inside me is holding onto the idea of things going back to how they were.

I was pulled from my train of thought by a light tapping on my arm. I looked up to notice we had arrived at school and Jay was trying to get my attention. I plucked an earbud out of my head and turned to face him, not bothering to hide the discomfort from my face.

"Your mom wanted me to remind you about the meetings she has this afternoon. She won't be able to pick you up." He stated "And Alex has her basketball tournament tonight and I promised your mother to record her. She's such a star, I bet she is going to go pro." I roll my eyes at that last comment. Of course, his daughter was the star pupil, and I am chopped liver. Don't get me wrong, Alex is awesome, she is a great sister. But the constant comparisons and unequal treatment from both my mom and Jay got old real fast.

"Your point?" I asked, gripping the door handle.

"You are going to have to get a ride from someone else today. Your mother doesn't want you walking, the storm is supposed to get really dicey around 4 today. Maybe your boyfriend can take you home." His tone was almost mocking as he tilted his chin towards my cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way home." I hissed out, ignoring the boyfriend comment. I knew his concern from earlier was fake. He was trying to get under my skin, which was working. I threw the door open and stormed out into the rain. Ever since I was little, he took any and every opportunity to push my buttons. Lately, however, it has only intensified. Since my 18th birthday this last Friday, he has been ramping up and has taken to pestering me even around my mom.

I slammed the car door with reasonable force and stepped into the rain. As soon as I did, I was soaked to the bone, which seemed to cool off my temper. I hurried up the steps and finally took shelter under the large concrete awning that overhangs the front doors. As soon as the rain wasn't peppering me anymore, I wiped my face and shook off the droplets of rain that had collected in my hair. I tucked the hair that fell out of place back into the wet mop that was my hair and reached for the first set of double doors.

Inside the threshold, there was a gathering of students who were all shaking their umbrellas dry and attempting to tuck them into the plastic sleeves the school provides. I finally managed to make my way inside just as the first of the bells began to ring. I wiped my shoes on the walk-off mat by the front door to avoid eating shit in the middle of the hall and raced towards 1st period. I praise myself for oversleeping when I spot Zach retreating from the spot, he had been standing in.

He was waiting outside my class for me, and the bell caused him to move along. I slow down to a walk to calm my breathing and make my way into the class and take my seat. That is when I notice the stares that are being thrown my way. I straighten my bun and pause when my fingers brush the tender skin of my cheek. My stomach drops as I fumble for my phone. I open the camera and switch it to selfie mode and am shocked to find that the concealer from this morning was washed away in the downpour revealing the rather hideous bruise. Realizing there is nothing to do, I hold my head high and ignore the stares.

My phone buzzed once more in my hand. I opened my messages and finally read the most recent from this morning.

Zach: Saige. Please answer me.

Zach: I was drunk, I did not mean it. You are overreacting.

Zach: Please talk to me. I miss you.

Zach: Are you ditching school to avoid me? How mature. I am sure Jay loves that.

Before I could even think about replying, the final bell rang, and in walked Mr. Mathus to start the lecture. I could feel his eyes pause at me, taking in my face. I looked down at my notebook, trying to avoid the worried look in his eyes. As the lecture about gothic literature and Edgar Allen Poe began, I felt the throbbing in my head intensify. I felt the color drain from my face as I realized that in my anger and the rush this morning, I forgot to take my medicine. And thanks to the new rules in place, I don't have any on me. Today is going to be hell. 

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