Chapter Eighteen

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I tried my best...


" Look at us, baby boy. We look so good."

Kj and I admired our outfits in the floor length mirror.

" We look fire, mommy."

I was wearing royal blue pants and a fitted white blouse with my clear pumps that showed off my white toes. My hair was slicked back into a high ponytail and my makeup was beat to the gods. Baby boy was rocking blue slacks and white button up with his new blue and white Nikes that just came in the mail this morning.

Yes, the custom white and blue Nikes inspired our impromptu slay this morning. I touched up Kj's line up a bit since Kaden is taking forever to get his haircut. I couldn't have my baby leaving this house looking crazy while I looked good. Looking at how he looks now, I must say I did the damn thing.

" I'm so cute." Kj praised himself as he looked in the mirror with his hands in his pockets.

" Yes you are baby. You're so handsome." I hyped him up before I grabbed my purse and Kj's backpack.

We might look cute, but I will never leave the house without a bag for Kj. He may be three and doesn't necessarily need a baby bag, but you never know what can happen. I have a change of clothes, pull-ups in case he takes a nap, extra snacks, and of course his inhaler, and other medicines.

Today we are going to Kaden's office to drop off the painting I did for William and to take a look at this new project he wants me to do. I managed to finish the painting in record time. It amazed me that it only took me a week to plan, sketch, and paint. I almost wanted to do a second one due to my second guessing but from what Will has seen of it, he loved it just the way it was.

I wasn't able to tell Kaden that I was coming to the office, let alone tell him that my client was indeed William. He's just been so busy now that he's been back at work that we barely had a chance to talk.

Well we've had to chance to fuck...

" We can't forget the cookies, mommy." Kj spoke, rushing into the kitchen to grab them.

" Let me grab them, baby."

Once my canvas and the baked goods were secured. KJ and I were out the door. Although Kaden got my car fixed and serviced, I decided to take an Uber so I wouldn't have to hassle with downtown parking. Kj didn't mind the walk once we got close enough to the office as he held onto my pants with a firm grip.

" Good Morning Mrs. Davis." The security guards greeted us as he opened the double doors for us.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes at their fakeness as I accepted their hospitality. The last time I was here with my hands full with both a sick Kj, bags, and an umbrella I was ignored. I had already deemed my attire being the cause of their coldness. Even if they didn't recognize me, everyone deserves the same respect no matter who they were or their attire.

" Good Morning to you too, little one." They spoke to Kj. Kj frowned then looked up at me. He hated when strangers spoke to him but out of politeness he gave a small greeting after hearing my greeting.

Once we were in the elevator, I knelt down a bit to KJ's level. " Are you alright?" I asked.

He hummed as a response. " Alright, just checking. We are going into daddy's work. There might be people that might want to talk to you and it's okay if you talk with them. I will be with you the whole time. You let mommy know if meeting new people becomes too much okay?"

Soon enough the elevator doors opened. Like always I walked past the front desk and into the hustle and bustle of the office. Kj's grip tightened as we moved through the office. Once we got near Kaden's office, Paige felt the need to stop me although I wasn't here for Kaden at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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