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I will always remember that week  bobby joined us at the cemetery, and the day i met him,

I had just been out round the grounds looking for something else to do , when i got bored and tired of myself that i decided to take a slow walk back to my grave, This is when i see an old tired looking 'chap sat crouched looking at my tombstone , he didn't look very well, he used his wrinkled hands to hold himself up so that he wouldn't tumble backwards on the long weaving grass,he was wearing a suit and his body colour had been smothered in a dark shy coloured grey,

after this i new that he was a ghost, doesn't take long for us to realize these things, before i could notice anything else i heard him mumble to himself ,

"A loving son   Tristan ......... Always and forever" ....

I jumped into the conversation before he could go any further , i did not like anyone reading my tomb stone, simply because he was not related to me in anyway and the fact was , it wasn't his to read ,

"Excuse me sir, can i help you with anything" ?

His fragile head swiftly turned my way, his eyes looked so tired and hungry with fear,

It stunned me to see how he looked , i have never seen another ghost look as terrible as he did .

" Oh no .. I'm perfectly fine young man, I'm just getting to know the 'neighbors' so to speak"

I lifted an eyebrow and gave the gentleman a blank expression.

" Ah , er rm .. yup ,, that's my grave , i would be truly grate full if you were not to read it , if you don't mind " ?

he looked at me and pondered at the thought a briskly smiled with only on half of his face,

"Very Territorial are young lad " ?

" Yes sir, i don't mean to be rude and all its just ....

I tried to make it easy for the guy , Didn't want to hurt his feelings, and my intentions were not to be rude!

"Its just .. its the only thing that i have of me now .. yer know .. and i tend to get a little Territorial around things that belong to me , you don't have a lot to yourself these day "

i could see his head turning slowly to the left as if to take one last glance at the tombstone and then slowly but surely started to rise back onto his feet , with a little struggle i might add.

" Would you like me to help  you up there sir" ?

i sprawled out my arm to offer the gent a hand, he slowly took my hand and pulled himself up with a very weak tug !

"Thank you young man , i hope my bones don't get any weaker now that i am , well you know in gods hands you know "?

I could see in his eyes he was just trying to make an upsetting situation for him  funny ,

it clearly wasn't working for himself.

" I'm Tristan , pleasure to meet you sir  " !

" Ah Tristan , very unusual name , I'm Bobby , and as you can tell with you wondering eyes there that i am new to the whole 'death' thing"

"Nice to meet you Bobby ! would you like me to give you a tour of the cemetery ? Help you on your feet a little round here , it can be very confusing "!

" Ah , i would be entirely grate full young man , .. lets take a walk shall we" ?

As i walk with Bobby , Realizing that i have made a new 'Friend' i suddenly catch myself smiling , at my self ! 

I mean how absurd is that ?

I thought it was very 'swell' having a new person join us , its been so long ,

not that i wish for it , of course!

I can see me and Bobby getting on real well.

The girl who helped me live ......            Story of tristan.Where stories live. Discover now