Part 2 - Welcome to my dream-like school life

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(A/N : hello! sorry for the lack of updates , irl stuff. Hope you enjoy this chapter & will keep supporting me throughout this story.)

After a short break of a couple minutes where we could use our electronic devices and talk with our seatmates , we were soon introduced to the title of the next video.

Part 2 - Welcome to my dream-like school life

What's the point of these short videos being split into parts instead of a multitude of them being put in one , long video? Is there a restriction of some sorts? And , how many more parts will there be? Two , three , five , seven , a dozen? These videos are structured more like a book than an actual string of videos , with my thought process being narrated by myself and the previously mentioned structure of the videos, how intriguing.

I don't like the entrance ceremony. A lot of first years think the same way.

Throughout the chuckles and laughters of my peers , I'm noticing that the beginning of these videos are also as abrupt as the beginning of an actual chapter in a book , rather than one video that was cut into a couple short videos. I'm starting to wonder , what's the point of this? Is there any real explanation to this? Am I overthinking it? It's just a bit bizarre to me.

The principal and the students are all thanking each other annoyingly, there's way too much standing, and it's a pain in the butt because there are too many troublesome things.

But that's not all I want to say.

The entrance ceremony for the elementary, middle, and high school marks the start of one major trial for students.

For the first few days after the entrance ceremony, students must make friends in order to enjoy the rest of their school life.

If someone fails at this task, it is said that a miserable three years awaits them.

A couple of the "loners" in my class meekly nod at this , because of their rude awakening that they'll probably be excluded from any groups because it's already too late , they had their chance at making friends on the day of the opening ceremony , with Hirata giving them a golden opportunity by making all of us introduce ourselves. But who am I to critique , I also wasn't able to socialize with anyone during the first day except with Horikita which was more so just one-sided curiosity which led to my current standing with her.

Following my principle of avoiding trouble, I think it would be best to make some friends and establish decent human relationships.

The day before, I tried to practice making friends because I was inexperienced.

"Kukuahaha! Ain't that humiliating , needing to practice being buddy-buddy with the rest of the talentless defects! Is that your 'flaw' , you blank bastard?"

"If that's what you believe , Ryuuen , then I won't try to change your opinion of me."

"Tsk , what an expected tasteless reply. You really are bland , Ayanokoji." Ryuuen remarks , which if I'm being fully honest stung a little.

"You talk as if you know me, have you been stalking me?" I do my best to make my sentence sound playful , but it ended up just sounding as monotone as always and made it sound less of a joke and more like an accusation.

"Heh , only in your dreams would you ever be worth my time."

As I finally take a closer look at the man in question , he's giving me a daring look , almost asking me to try to think up of another thing to say. I turn my gaze away from him and look directly at the screen as I hear another "Tsk." from him. Is he disappointed that he won the argument? What a weirdo.

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