Chapter 4

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Chapter 2
Sagar uncle's words were echoing in her
ears..''Part of growing up means to let go of some
immaturity is all.'','' you both are married now,
not still in college to be romancing 24*7 and
expecting him to be irresponsible'', he has to be the sane one, he has to, he has to keep the house
in shape for you and future, which he didnt think
of while ignoring present'', classic guy
Without any prior warning just marched in
opening the key combination to the door, she saw him staring at his mobile screen. Seeing the
door open, he turned..
His expression confirmed that he was happy-
morelike-ecstatic+relieved+confused+scared of
what's gonna happen next+ bit blank!!
He came straight towards her saying'' sorry sorry honey sorry baby''.. Like his life depended on it..
She realised it was worth giving a second chance,
aftrr all she expected him to accept divorce with
no questions whatsoever..she didnt respond him.
She just stared at him..
He was waiting for a response, eager to see some reactions from her..he was bit taken back by her
vacant stare..
After a while, she came close, gave a tight slap on
his face..and said, ''thats for ditching me on our
5th anniversary jerk!''
he simply smiled.. And thanking god, that she atleasted venting her anger.. In no moment, she
pulled him in for a kiss and said belated
anniversary wishes jerk!
He was totally flustered by her bipolar behavior
yet happy that she's here and thats all that
matters now.. Saying that she left for their room and started
packing her stuffs.. Manik started gttng panicky,
kept on asking her but all he got was a smile as
reply. She moved her things to guest room and
closed it shut..
Manik was just totaly confused.. Suddenly, his shorts were vibrating..
"Jaan : m willing to give a second chance for our
love, for our marriage,only if you want to. This
arrangement coz mr.malhotra has gotten too
much comfortable nd shortsighted over
me..mebbe this will be fr gud'' he smiled seeing the word second chance.. tHat
was enough for him to sweep her off feet.. Fine..
This time wont screw it, shudnt screw it up.. iS all
he said to himself and made his way to the
bedroom. Playing dirty and sly is how i can get
her back..

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