Healing powers

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Haerin woke up to find the space next to her that was occupied by Danielle empty, she didn't know whether to feel sad or not, thinking she had no right to feel that since nothing was going on with the two of them, to begin with. They're just best friends and that was enough -or at least that's what she keeps telling herself.

One moment they're going out on dates (yes, they both call them dates) then, in the next, Danielle calls her 'my precious best friend', Haerin doesn't know how to respond to her actions so she plays along like a good 'best friend' would, ignoring the way her heart cracks ever so slightly the more it happens, keeping everything locked down.

She showers and walks around the Hybe building. The building was huge and didn't have many signs so sometimes, even Haerin gets lost and wanders to places she's not supposed to and gets in trouble for it so she's taking her time to explore, wishing the place had a map. Hanni and Minji went on a date and Hyein said she would be hanging out with Eunchae so Haerin is alone for the day.

The Korean girl assumed that she would spend the day with Danielle but she can't find her anywhere so why not go through the unlabeled rooms. With how long the company gives song tittles, Haerin is almost sure they didn't label them because it would be one heck of a room. Imagine their practice rooms being labeled 'The  place where magic starts' or something just as obnoxious.

It took her a while but she managed to reach their practice rooms and opens the door, revealing a girl with wavy hair, dancing to the beat of a song. Haerin sat by the door, watching her in silence, not making her presence noticeable by the older girl. Danielle looked tired and out of breath, sweating rivers from what Haerin observed.

The music stopped and Danielle collapsed, not literally, she just slumped down, breathing unevenly. She barely had the energy to grab her water bottle so Haerin stood up and took it for her, "Here," she offered, shocking the other girl because she did not know there was anyone else in the room but when she saw who it was, she calmed down, smiling at the kind gesture.

"Thank you," she took the water bottle and realized that the cap was already opened, meaning Haerin opened it for her. Haerin is always so sweet to her and Danielle loved that about her. She drank the whole thing in one go and Haerin just watches. 'Why is Danielle practicing on a break day?' she ponders about that question before asking.

"How long have you been practicing?" Danielle doesn't have to look at her to tell that Haerin was worried, it was evident in her voice.

"Around 2 hours but don't worry, I just need to get this one part right. I keep making everyone have to re-do it yesterday... I'll rest after a bit," the wavy haired girl explained, closing the water bottle with the cap Haerin was holding.


"No?" Danielle repeated her words in a questioning manner, what did Haerin mean by that?

"Rest first, we'll practice together later, ok?" Haerin took Danielle's hand into her own, caressing it with her thumb.

Danielle blushed at the gesture, "Gosh I really want to hug you right now," she slipped out. Now Haerin was blushing, she didn't expect that sudden confession. The older girl's eyes widened, she didn't mean to say it out loud, she was panicking trying to think of a good cover up but the cat-like girl cut her out before she could even open her mouth.

"Go on then, what's stopping you?"

"But I'm all sweaty and-" she felt a tug on her wrist, Haerin was pulling her closer. "I don't mind"

"I don't mind," Haerin doesn't know what possessed her that time but it doesn't matter, she needed the push, "We'll both be sweaty by the end of this anyway"

This may be just Danielle's imagination but Haerin's voice tone lower than usual, making her blush even harder. She knows Haerin didn't mean it that way but the way she said it made it sound suggestive and Danielle being the teenager she is, starts to have weird thoughts. Haerin was obviously referring to them practicing together later.

Danielle can be extremely obvious about her huge crush over the younger girl but she wonders why Haerin hasn't picked up on it yet (I dont know, maybe it because you keep calling her your 'bestfriend'???), even the rest of their members can see it.

Pushing those thoughts down, she engulfed Haerin into an embrace, loving the warmth of the girl. Danielle could swear he hugs have some kind of healing powers because she doesn't think she can go through all this without them, "I love your hugs, they're the best"

Again, Haerin feels the emotions she bottled up unbearable but she leaves it be, letting it crack slowly, keeping down for as long as she can. She can't risk loosing this, she never wants to.

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