Tired mom of 4

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What better way to wake up your older friend, aka the mom of the group than sending a pillow flying straight to their face at 100 miles per hour? Somehow, nobody in NewJeans knew so they did exactly that. 

They had to go somewhere for a photoshoot and the car ride there was around four hours long, not only was it mentally exhausting but also physically exhausting because they didn't stop by anywhere to stretch or rest. 

The driver might as well be a robot because of how they drove without a break with just one cup of coffee to help them survive, a bit too good at their job.

Minji couldn't sleep a wink in the van so she stared out the window throughout the ride while the rest of the members slept. When they arrived at their designated homestay, it was already dark outside. 

The bear collapsed on the first bed she sees, telling the younger girls to wake her up in an hour so she could wash up and eat dinner before going to bed properly. I guess you could say they did exactly what they were told to do, just not in the way Minji expected them to. 

Hyein threw the first pillow and the for the rest, you can already guess what happened- a pillow fight occurred, it's inevitable. As for who threw the pillow at Minji, that's still a mystery because even they, themselves are not sure. 

Minji didn't have the energy to scold them so she just got up and walked to the bathroom, not saying a word to everyone else who were practically shivering at the mere mention of her wrath. 

"Sorry about that, we really didn't mean to-" Danielle tried to apologize as soon as Minji comes out of the bathroom but was quickly cut off. 

"It's fine, just let me rest," sleepiness evident in her voice as she once again collapsed on the bed, "Goodnight, please don't make too much noise"

"Aighttttt," they collectively said, continuing right after she drifted to dreamland. For Minji, this was just any other day and no matter how tiring it may be to deal with them, she wouldn't trade them for the world.

An hour passed and all the girls went to sleep, all except for Hanni who was still checking up on what their fans were gushing over this time, half her body already under the covers with Minji as she sits up. She places her phone down and turns to her girlfriend, leaving a soft peck on her forehead before falling asleep with everyone else.

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