Sister Crisis

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Maybe Haerin spoke too soon about the whole 'loving Danielle isn't complicated' part. She forgot to consider many things and even when they talked out what would happen now that they were together, they forgot about this one huge situation they'd have to go through, which was meeting their family members. 

Danielle loves being open about who she loves and is the kind of person who would show off their significant other, a proud lover to say the least while Haerin on the other hand is the kind of person who loves to be a little less loud about it but she also loves to show off sometimes (who wouldn't if their lover was the Danielle June Marsh herself?).

They told the members and (not so) surprisingly, they were extremely supportive of it but they did tell them to be careful and not make it too obvious because dating is risky for an idol. It could bring lots of problems to the group and the fans will go berserk like wild boars, typing insanely and posting non-stop about it and they don't need that so early into their journey as a K-pop group.

Honestly, they had no need to be careful. No matter what they do, the fans will have no closure unless they say anything and even if they do say anything, it still could be taken as just a joke and playful flirting, meaning they could be dating for so many years and nobody would notice, especially that they're both girls, the fans will merely be called delusional and silly by society.

So now Haerin was a nervous wreck, waiting in a small café with only one thing in her mind 'I'm going to meet Danielle's sister' over and over again because that was exactly what she was about to do. She had to continuously wipe her palm on a napkin due to it sweating so much.

As to how this happened, Danielle told her entire family about them dating (with Haerin's consent) and her sister was in the area so she wanted to meet her, not to scare her or anything but when they were on call, Haerin could tell her intent was clear, to see what kind of person Haerin was in person because Danielle always speaks so fondly of her whenever the topic came up.

"I ordered already," Danielle voice snapped Haerin out of her thought, turning around to see her girlfriend staking a seat next to her, she stopped fidgeting around and replied with a simple hum.

"You're nervous aren't you?" The older girl took her hand and interlaced it with her own, "Don't worry, she'll love you. I know I do," she sends yet another blinding smile.

"What if I act weirdly today or accidentally spill my drink when I'm drinking because I don't think my hands can stop shaking right now and oh what about the way I talk? What if it rubs her off the wrong way and she tells me to stay away from you-" 

She stopped abruptly when Danielle started laughing, staring at her in confusion, "Did I say something weird...?"

"No, no, It's just funny how cute you look when you're freaking out." Haerin doesn't know how to react to that so she just looks down and smiles shyly.

"Stop that..."

"I know you love it," Danielle brushed away her hair to get a better view at Haerin's face and the faint blush on them, "Oh gosh, you're too pretty It's unfair," letting her hands stay on her shoulders, she rests her forehead on her front with a sigh.

"I should be the one saying that..."

The older girl looks up, "We both can say that," she takes her hands off and checks the time on her phone, "She said she'll be a bit late. Don't worry about meeting her, she's very nice"

"I'm just a little paranoid," she fixes her hair using the image reflected on the glass walls of the café.

"No need, You're perfectly fine the way you are," she reassures her girlfriend, patting her head lightly before pulling her into a hug.

Haerin manages to relax a bit thanks to that, "Thank you," she really needed that, Danielle's warm embrace had a healing effect on her because in their relationship, it works both ways.

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