Chapter one

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"I keep wondering what if I die today or tomorrow? what will happen to him? how will my parents react? what will happen to my dreams? I know these thoughts are fucking nonsense and probably irrelevant too, But I can't avoid them. Every night when I lie on my bed those thought fuck the peace out of my mind. Before getting up in the morning I swear to myself I won't think about them but all I end up doing is have more and more those thoughts. I will have to discuss this with someone or I will go mad."


First day in college was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves, a chapter of life unfolding with each step on the vibrant campus. Amidst the sea of new faces.

then I entered in my class room and saw a boy. So, I met this boy. It wasn't like meeting just anyone—I felt something different. You know that feeling when you just click with someone? Well, that's what happened.

We started talking, and it was so easy. We laughed about random stuff, and it felt like we had known each other for ages. It's like finding a connection that's hard to explain but feels really good.

As we walked around the college together, choosing what to eat, sharing stories, and going from one class to another, it felt like he was more than just a random person. He became a part of my day, making the big, new college feel a bit smaller and friendlier.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something special about the way we got along. Maybe it's the start of a great friendship, or maybe there's something more. Whatever it is, meeting him made my first day in college feel way better than I expected. Oh by the way his name is Noah.

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