chapter 31

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I'm woken up by someone whispering my name repeatedly. I open my eyes and find Mampho looking at me with a smile.

Mpho: wake up, Mrs. Mokoena.
Me: Mrs?
Mpho: the negotiations were successful, come so his uncles can identify their bride.

I giggle in pure happiness and shock. But I cover myself with my blanket and my in-laws choose the wrong "bride", so they are fined.

They then hand me "aparo", which is bridal attire and a blanket, "sanamarena". I wear that and Mampho makes videos but something is missing...

Me: where is my man?
Mpho: he's outside.

I run outside and stand by the garage and there is, outside the gate, looking sexy as ever. He is wearing white chinos, white airforces and a basotho top, which is blue, which looks similar to what I'm wearing now.

He is talking to his father, while I'm staring at him.

Mpho: stop drooling.

She says and walks away. I continue to stare and my father-in-law points at me, that's accompanied by a laugh and a smile from my man when he looks my way. Looking absolutely majestic, he calls me over with his eyes.

His beautiful brown eyes are drawing me in. My father-in-law walks away and I run to my man. I throw myself in his arms and he picks me up and spins me around.

He puts me down and looks deep into my eyes before I attack him with a hug.

Me: I love you.
Kgotso: I have a surprise for you.
Me: what is that?
Kgotso: I'll show you when we get to your new home.

My family comes out and along with his, we drive to his home, where he was born and raised and guess what? It's also in Soweto.

We get there and they do the whole singing competition things and my family wins. They let us in and while we're outside, Kgotso goes down on one knee and pulls out a box.

He opens it and inside is a pink diamond ring.

Kgotso: my baby, my heart, my best friend, my lover, the light of my life, please let me mark my territory and wear this ring on your finger. and also, be my wife.
Me: I mean, I'm already your wife but yes!

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