chapter 17

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Thursday, May 25th

I wake up, brush my teeth and head downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. After making the cup of coffee, I head back up and drink it while I stand on the boacony. Kgotso's house has beautiful views. I make an aesthetic video and block Mampho before posting a "good morning" for my followers, using the video.

Anyway, I broke up with BK last night. It's really not fair on him for me to keep entertaining him when I know that I'm not interested anymore.

I feel arms wrap themselves around my waist.

Kgotso: good morning, beautiful.
Me: good morning, handsome.
Kgotso: how are you doing?
Me: I'm okay, thank you. how are you doing?
Kgotso: I'm perfect.

After that, I take a shower and wear solid coloured black tights with on of his white hoodies. I then put on the novelty slippers I had initially packed. I take off my wig and guess what? I still look absolutely gorgeous.

I run downstairs and find him already showered and dressed.

Me: you look handsome, my dear.
Kgotso: you look gorgeous.

We share a kiss and have some cereal for breakfast. Don't look at me like that, we are tired! We then wash the dishes together and head upstairs where we cuddle.

We cuddle for an hour or so, while just talking. We are interrupted by someone barging in.

Mpho: daddy, you went back to her?!

Kgotso and I both sit up and look at her.

Mpho: Nandi, why are in bed with my dad?
Kgotso: sweety...
Mpho: she is my best friend!
Me: we know that and we're sorry but...
Mpho: you're sorry?! please get out.
Kgotso: no.
Mpho: leave!
Kgotso: she is not going anywhere. if you want to leave, you can leave but Nandi is not going anywhere.
Mpho: dad?!

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