chapter 29

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Me: BK?!
Ora: you know him?
Me: yes, we go to the same university.
Ora: wow, the world really is a small place.
BK: yes. yes, it is.

Mampho laughs and I nudge her.

Mpho: what?

She continues laughing and I walk to the kitchen where I help finish up the cooking.

Mpho: you don't look so good, do you want to take a walk?
Me: yeah, why not?

Mampho, BK and I take walk and...

BK: why my uncle though?
Mpho: at least, he is your uncle. he is my dad.
Me: Mpho, stop. BK, I love your uncle. I'm not here by choice but it's what my heart wants.

They both nod and we walk back to the house in silence. When we walk in, Kgotso comes to me and gives me a long hug, more like a squeeze.

Kgotso: I missed you.
Me: we were just taking a walk.
Kgotso: follow me.
Me: baby...
Kgotso: please.
Me: okay.

He holds my hand and we head to our bedroom. He hands me baby shoes.

Kgotso: let's try again.

Tears roll down my face.

Me: yes.
Kgotso: yes?
Me: yes.

He gives me a kiss.

Me: hau, are we trying now?
Kgotso: yes.

I laugh and go with it. After a while, we take a shower and then head downstairs.

Bheki: oh eeewww, man. we are in this house with you.
Kgotso: hush.

I giggle, shyly.

Bhekisisa walks in and I just know it's time to leave so I run up to get my bags. After that, I head downstairs and say my goodbyes.

Kgotso: can't I take you home?
Me: no, koena. you have to stay here with your family.

I look at Bhekisizwe and he looks away. I wonder...

Kgotso: okay. but call me on your way home, call me when you get there, call me before you eat and...
Me: yes, I'll call before and after I do anything.

He gives me a hug and a peck on the lips  then Bhekisisa and I head home.

Bheki: he loves you.
Me: I know.

I say with a huge smile.

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