In Which We Get To Know Kankri

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He's standing there on the stage right in front of you, your mind is kind of hazy but you somehow comprehend the fact that Cronus wants to bring someone on stage with him. You, alongside hundreds of others raise and wave their arms in hope that the super star would glance at them for just a moment.

Your one of the only boys there, usually that would concern you, but your too caught up in the moment to let it affect you. Cronus walks up and down the length of the stage looking back and forth, examining each person, trying to choose who the lucky girl (or boy) will be.

He's crossing your part of the audience. Your standing on your toes to be as tall as possible as if it would give you a better chance of being picked. Your eyes meet, his a bright purple from trait coloured contacts, and yours a chocolaty brown, Cronus smirks. He bends down and reaches for your hand, you reach out, trying to grab hold. Maybe he wasn't looking at you, maybe he was looking at somebody else next to you or behind you? Trying to take there spot would be a mean thing to do, but as other hands try to grab onto Cronus, he wraps his hand around your's and your helped by security guards onto the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you for the first time..." Cronus says into his microphone and then dips it towards you to say your name.
"Kankri" you say into the microphone and it echos throughout the whole arena, your amazed at this but you don't know why, you knew that would happen.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Kankri!" Cronus's says and a thunder of applaud follows.

Cronus runs his free hand through his hair and gives you a wink. A song starts up and after a few moments, you recognize the song. It starts out slow,
"Hey there little boy
You mean the world to me
If it's only just for tonight
Let's do things the right way"
Cronus sang, changing the word girl to boy. The song was also a duet and you knew exactly what was coming next. Cronus handed the microphone to you and you began singing,
"Hey there new friend
I'm not lookin for a show
Just a little company
To keep me warm tonight" you sing and the audience cheers for you.

You know people will be talking about it tomorrow, good and bad, but tonight is where you are. Cronus smiles and you are both holding microphones for the next part and you both sing
"At the edge of town
Not another sound
We'll be dancing tonight
To the soft moonlight
And I, want to say
A precious little thing,
I-love-you" as you sing Cronus takes your hand and you two start to dance in circles around the stage. The music grows silent, guitars come in next and then drums and then a more upbeat tune to sing along to.

Cronus gives you a wink, the lights flicker on and off, he dips you down and catches you with his free hand, it's like something you would see in one of your brothers movies. Cronus is leaning down, closing the space between your face and his, you look at him in awe and lean up so the your faces are almost touching. You close your eyes and wait for your lips to meet as the guitar starts playing in the background.

Kankri is jolted awake by the sound of his brother shouting. Remembering his dream, Kankri tries desperately to get back to sleep, to finish the dream, to finish the song, to receive that kiss... It was to late, Kankri was awake and there was nothing he could do about it.

"THIS IS WHO I AM!" His brother shouted, and was proceeded to stomp up the stairs and slam his bedroom door. Kankri groaned, his brother was 13 and delusional, he believed he would grow up to be a singer, a punk rock star. Kankri wouldn't deny it, he had a dreams like that at one point as well, but the one day he realized that he's just a normal person and there was nothing he could do about it, he gave up that hopeless dream and went onto being an ideal child, except for his obsession with Pop Star Cronus.

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