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Dennis comes fully into the room and closes the door. "I came to see my wife and if there was anything you could do for her. I see her lying there healthier and happier than I have in years. I know that she thinks the world of you, Jessa, she always has.

"She has talked repeatedly over the years about the dragons and has recited stories to our children about the dragons. Part of why our children wish to be the guard to yours is because of Sorsha's stories of dragons and of you.

"She is healed now, Dennis. Would you have me take her from you now?" Jessa asks him baldly. She knows how hard Dennis has worked to be a better person than the one she and Sorsha met decades ago.

"I love Sorsha, Jessa. I know that nothing would make her happier than becoming a dragon." Dennis looks at Jessa with tears in his eyes. "I don't want to lose her, but if you can make her a dragon and make her dream come true, even if it means leaving me then I would ask you to do it. Her happiness means more to me than anything else."

"Oh, I thought you wished to become a dragon as well. Isn't that what you asked?" Jessa says looking hard at the man near to begging her to turn Sorsha into a dragon.

Dennis gives Jessa a small bitter smile even as his eyes lose focus and seems to be looking at something not there. "I don't believe I am worthy of the honor. Not after what I did to my own people. I have tried to change, to make amends, but some things can never be made right. I have done my best to be a good leader and a good father to Sorsha's children and then a good husband and father to my own. Evenso I still feel the weight of what I have done in the past."

Dennis looks at Jessa and gives her a heartbreakingly sad smile, "Time doesn't heal all wounds. Some are still just as painful as the day they were made. If I could change my past actions I would. I don't blame you for not wanting to give me the chance to turn like Sorsha. But I am begging you, I'll even get on my knees if that will help, to allow Sorsha to change."

Jessa reaches out and takes Dennis's hand. "Time doesn't heal all wounds that is true. But I and all those here have seen you change. You alone are keeping the wounds inside still fresh as the day you created them. Forgive yourself as I know your people have forgiven you."

"My people haven't forgiven me. How could they?" Dennis cries as he bows his head to hide his tears.

"Because they don't hold the hate inside. Now you need to release the guilt or it will destroy you. Should you do that then I will consider you to become a dragon as Sorsha wishes."

"Oh, goody, then they will be clerics with me." Camilla says happily.

Dennis lifts his head and stares incredulously at the woman before him. Never could he imagine all those years ago that she could possibly mean as much to him as she does now.

"You can forgive me?"

Jessa nods, "But only if you forgive yourself first. Sometimes that is the hardest thing any one can ever do. Away from the influence of the evil bitch and the influence of your insane father and depraved brother you are a good man. It's time that you realized that."

Jessa then turns to her daughter, "What do you mean, Camilla?"

"They too will be clerics should they make the change and become platinum dragons like me."

It is the sound of a sharply inhaled breath that brings Jessa back to the Ancient One and Jethro.

"The platinum dragons won't be a direct line, they will be your clerics. Only those chosen to be turned or those born as a platinum dragon will be able to be your cleric." The Ancient One says in a nearly strangled voice.

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