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Jessa and her small group of guards arrive no more smoothly than Dhiren had at his fight. They all recover quickly and find that they are all armed and armored. They only take the time to look over and see what is needed on defense and where they will be needed the most. Jessa is able to string her bow even as she looks around. By the time her bow is ready she knows just where to shoot.

Her guards aren't far behind her on their targets and shortly word is spread that Jessa has arrived.

As the enemy dragons hear that they give frightened looks at the newly arrived group and they prepare to take off. Those that are already in the air take no time to leave. Jessa is able to take one down before they are beyond her bow range.

The guards make sure that the enemy are truly dead before they crowd around the elves giving them thanks.

"I fully expected more problems from those attacking us," Josnick tells her even as he holds a cloth to the wound on his face.

"Yeah, apparently they don't like going against me for some reason," Jessa says with a bit of a pout. She was just starting to get into the rhythm of the fight when they left.

After assuring herself that all those that are wounded are taken care of, thankfully the injuries were minor, Jessa and her guard return to Silva where they had an even nastier fight.

Jessa notices more than one dead dragon and is very impressed as she searches for her father and husband.

"Looks like you have had even more fun than I." Jessa says coming up to Dhiren and hugging him from behind. Then she goes over to her father. They had been together giving orders in the aftermath of the fight.

"Jessa," Dhiren sighs out in relief as he feels her arms around him.

"It was a bit of fun. Helped to take the anger away from this one at not being sent with you." Kallen tells Jessa amusedly.

"He's becoming more like you and your orneriness more and more." Kallen continues.

Jessa looks at her father with wide innocent eyes, "Me ornery?" She tries to hold the smile in but just couldn't keep it from spreading over her face.

"Yes, you. How did your fight go?" Kallen says even as Dhiren takes Jessa into his arms. After giving her a tight hug he releases her to look her over. Jessa doesn't mind since she's doing the same with Dhiren.

Jessa shrugs at her father's question, "It was alright. They didn't stay very long to play with me though. Looks like they wanted to play with you and Dhiren more than me. I only managed to kill one of the bastards before they flew away. Wounded a few more and the guards helped to take them out, but we only managed to kill about five of them. You all did better than us."

"They weren't expecting us to take them out on the ground. They thought we would only watch the sky." Dhiren tells her shrugging his shoulders.

Kallen snorts. "Don't let his words fool you, Jessa. He took out the first dragon himself as it was trying to sneak up on us through the woods. After that he and his guards concentrated on the land fight and the army dealt with the ones flying until the metallics arrived to help. Then we all took care of the ones trying to sneak through the woods."

"Mmmhmm," Jessa hums as she goes to look over the fallen enemy.

"None of them got close enough to use their breath weapon?" Jessa asks suspiciously since at least one of the dragons had made it's way through the border before it was killed.

"That one did, but I was the one to kill it since I have the best resistance to it." Dhiren tells her as he walks the battle scene with her leaving Kallen to direct the clean up.

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