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It takes some time for the clean up of the war. The metallic dragons assist with the removal of their dead antagonists to one location far away. All are thankful for that since the smell of so many dead dragons was starting to get rather nasty. No one wanted to build enough biers to send them off that way nor did any wish to spend days digging deep pits in the earth.

Slowly life begins to return to the pre war normal. Dennis is allowed to remain king of his people and they start a new city on the southern edge of the forest, the farthest from humans they can get and still remain within easy distance. 

None of the sun elves are still arrogant and conceited. In fact if they see Jessa they practically visibly wince and hurry on their way.

Kaiston finds and starts training his new clerics. Slowly the start of the worship rituals begin once more.

Jessa and Dhiren are invited to the summer solstice ritual. Jessa is at this time near to giving birth and the elves are more than happy to stay away from the palace. They've stopped bringing petty issues to be dealt with by their king and queen. 

This allows both Jessa and Dhiren more time to learn about the gold dragons and their society.

Once Alaric is satisfied with their learning he announces that they will be coronated  at the end of the month and that it has all been planned out.

The other dragon monarchs will be there to witness the passing of the crown. They are all thankful to Jessa and owe her a great deal. 

Many of the freed dragons have taken to being her personal guard although there are some tensions between the elves and them about who should have that honor.

The one thing that makes it worth her while, Jessa believes, is the freedom of flying. True to his word Alaric started giving Jessa, Dhiren, Kristoff and shortly after Sy was made a dragon and he too learned flying. Flying wasn't enough for Jessa though, she made Alaric give her and the others fighting lessons while flying. 

Alaric was less than pleased by that, but he's already pushed Jessa far more than he wished to and with her being pregnant he definitely doesn't want to push her.

Suprisingly, Jessa comes to trust Kristoff more than ever. She even allows him to guard her clutch of eggs while she and Dhiren go to the sun elf celebration.

No one had expected Jessa to fly Dhiren so quickly after learning to fly or lay a clutch of eggs since she was already pregnant in her human form. Not even Alaric had expected that, he thought she would have to wait until her baby was born.

The Ancient one made himself scarce at that time but Zira could be found watching Jessa and Dhiren dance occasionally and she always watches them with a smirk on her face.

Of course once Jessa clutched she didn't have much time or inclination to leave the eggs and even Dhiren received more than one warning hiss. None of the other elves dared to even go near the location of the clutch. With the exception of Kristoff and Sorsha.

Slowly the new city of the sun elves takes shape and Kaiston helps as his people return to worshipping him properly. They had suffered great losses in the fight, his once great nation is reduced to a few thousand, the greater portion of those are children and females.

The relations between the sun elves and moon elves become less tension filled and many find themselves finding partners among those they disdained before the war. Some of the female sun elves even find permanent partners among the moon elves.

Sometimes the male sun elves forget themselves and treat the females harshly, but it doesn't take long for Jessa to come when that happens and she sets them straight.

The humans are the quickest to emerge from the fighting in good shape, but they are more than willing to give the credit to Jessa, the elves and the dragons for this. They are very thankful that Jessa was willing to do what she did. There isn't one that hasn't at least heard the story of the fight she had against the ancient dragon and how in the end she was victorious but almost losing her life doing so.

She has achieved a great deal of adulation from the humans.  Something she is less than pleased about. Her enjoyment of the bazaar is ruined once someone recognizes her, she becomes surrounded by people praising her and wishing to touch the hero of the war. Her guards have a hard time keeping them away.

It got to the point that Jessa and Dhiren would have to change their appearances just to be able to walk down the streets of Castlerock or Kyron. This of course just makes Jessa even more in a bad mood. 

Alaric and the Ancient one sit back and watch things unfold. Alaric has kept his distance unless Jessa and Dhiren are there for lessons. He truly doesn't want to deal with Jessa until after the baby is born and the eggs are hatched.

Slowly the Ancient one and even some of the other metallic dragons are able to find and teach new clerics.

Many of the dragons like some of the celebrations the elves and even a couple of the humans have for their deities so they also have the dragons taught those celebrations.

Within a year the birth of full metallic dragons has doubled from the year previously. Many new colors have joined the main ones since all the dragons were flying whoever they could at one time or another.

The time comes for the coronation of the two new gold leaders. There is a great crowd gathered, even a few humans and elves come to watch as Jessa takes her rightful place among the dragons. There are no few smirks as Dhiren is also crowned at Jessa's side.

Once the ceremony was finished there is a great shout from all those watching and slowly the dragons turned from their human or in some cases elven forms to that of their dragon forms as they jump and change mid air.

It is a sight none of them will ever forget.

Once the baby is born and acknowledged as the crown princess, with her brother being born just a few minutes later, Dhiren and Jessa become the king and queen of the moon elves. There were also many representatives from other dragons there to watch this ceremony as well.

The elven people are pleased that there is not just one but two potential leaders and the throne remains secure. They are even more pleased knowing that the newest crown princess and her brother are full blooded gold dragons and even though they won't rule the gold dragons they are siblings to the those that will and they will be close allies going into the future.


AN/This isn't the end although it's not too far off, I just wanted things to spring forward a bit. Post war clean up is rather boring, except to Jessa and Dhiren in their new roles.

I do apologize for taking so long to publish. Haven't been feeling well and other stories are crowding my mind so it's hard to concentrate on Jessa. Hopefully I'll be able to finish soon.

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