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 Jessa is pleased to see that the gathered armies are already there in place and ready to fight. The full blooded dragons are just waiting to fight the other full blooded that might escape the younger ones, but for now, they too are in their humanoid shapes.

Jessa goes before them all, "I want to thank you all for being here and willing to sacrifice everything so that some might survive. I want you all to know that the preparations that were made last night have been effective and more than a third of their army has already been taken out." Jessa believes that knowing that they won't be facing a mountainous amount of invaders will help them to fight more effectively. She allows the cheers to sound for a bit before calming them all down.

It doesn't take long for them to become silent once more. "I and the deities that are helping us are at this time blocking out all sight and sound, so they are seeing a location totally unprepared to fight them. This should help get them off center. Also, for some strange reason they've heard that I'll be here soon and are terrified of that possibility. I just don't understand that."

Those that are more than aware of her fighting prowess snicker at her words and find themselves standing more proud and less defeated. With the hero of the draw with them they can't lose. They might not survive personally, but Jessa will make sure that the enemy is defeated so that their families and friends will have a chance to live without fear once more.

Jessa's next words are said angrily and with a scowl, "I have discovered that it was this same enemy that sent out the call to gather at the draw nearly four years ago. It was the same enemy that caused those of us that worked as caravan guards to lose many that were friends and even family. For that there will be no mercy given to the traitorous bitch that has caused so much pain and death among so many.

"She is also the reason that the sun elf king became the twisted sick bastard that he died being, that Dennis and his brother became the sick abusers that they were. They are the cause of Roderick having the leash holders he had. He is the reason that King Sy's father was assassinated and Sy nearly tortured to death."

Everyone of the humans have been affected by one or more of those actions.

"She is the reason behind Reniel's death, my father, Rachel's death, my mother." With those words the gold dragons and the followers of Jethro as well as the moon elves are incensed.

"She is the reason behind the traitors among the gold dragons starting with Selnik." Further outrage from the gold dragons.

"She is responsible for the feeling of hatred the moon elves felt towards the humans by having the human army invade Silva over a century ago."

Even Dhiren hadn't known that and it shocks him. He feels that he should thank the mysterious enemy before Jessa kills her. Because it will come down to either Jessa killing the bitch or die trying. Dhiren has no doubt about that. 

That bitch has been behind all the pain Jessa has experienced in her young life.

"Jessa, she is trying to penetrate the magical guards we've put up." Alaric tells her.

"Fight today for all those we've lost to her over the years, fight to avenge them and all they and we've lost. 

"Including all the metallic dragons. She was behind the loss of your eggs."

At those words all the metallic dragons give outraged roars of anger.

Jessa dismisses them and they take up battle stations.

She has no doubt that the day will end with blood covering every one as well as the ground. Jessa lets fall the tears she's been holding back. So much has been taken from her by this bitch. She has gone against everything that gold dragons stand for and intentionally twisted people and things so that hurt and pain, anger and heartache would spread across all the lands.

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