You have feelings for each other

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Banban: you two are walking in another part of the kindergarten. you then realize you're holding banban's hand. "O-oh! Sorry!" Banban looks at you. "it's alright?" You start blushing. (In banban's mind pov: why did they apologize for holding my hand? Wait.... Are they blushing? Do they like me? Well, even if they do. I don't feel the same way. I mean sure. They are cute and kind and smart.... And..... Attractive? Wait, do them too?)

banbaleena: you two are walking back to the classroom while holding hands. "y/n?" You look at her. "Yeah?" "You do know you're holding my hand right?" You look down and start blushing. she looks at your hand. "that's really cute!" She starts blushing too. (Banbaleena's mind pov: y/n is really cute! She's kind, And smart, and funny! And really....wait....Do I like them? No, that's not appropriate! But then again... They are an adult! So.... I guess that's alright....)

Opila: you are sitting down against a wall. Then suddenly, opila lays down on your lap. You pat her head and She starts blushing. (Opila mind pov: omg they are so cute and sweet. I love them so much! I actually have a crush on them? Huh, I guess I do!) She snuggles closer to you, while purring for some reason. "opila, Are you.... Purring?" "Yeah. So?" You pat them on the head.

Jumbo josh: it's been a few hours and surprisingly, it's night. You get really tired. "Hey uh, josh? Is there a bed near? I'm really tired." He looks around for a few seconds. "nope! But you could sleep on me! Wait that sounds weird doesn't it?" Josh starts blushing. "I mean, I little. But that's ok!" You lay down on him. You start blushing as well. (Jumbo josh's mind pov: ohmygodohmygod their so cute why. Are. They. So. Cute!? Gosh darn it. Ok I admit it! I like them!_But I'm a literal monster. How would a human like me!?)

Nabnab: you two are talking about stuff and nabnab snuggles up against you. "Nabnab?" he opens his eyes. "o-oh.... S-sorry...." He looks down. You then hug him. "That was cute though!" nabnab starts blushing. (nabnab's mind pov: wait.... They.... Hugged me? But.... Everyone hates me! Is this some sort of sick joke? But.... It looks like they actually like me! them? Alright, I do. But I'm sure they don't feel the same way...I'm a freak. A monster. A mistake. But....there's a possibility....)

Bittergiggle: you two are sitting against a wall, sharing jokes. You then lay your head on bittergiggle's shoulder. You two start blushing. (Bittergiggle's mind pov: oh my goodness... That's..... Actually cute! I mean, they are cute. And kind. And..... Attractive.... d-do them? I guess I do...) Bittergiggle holds your hand, causing you to blush even more.

Sheriff toaster: you two are walking through the kingdom together, and you hold sheriff toadster's hand tighter. "Uhm, Sheriff toadster? Has anyone died here?" Sheriff toadster looks at you. "well.....yes.....people did die. long as you're with me, nothing bad will happen to you." you nod. "Alright, Sheriff." You hug him. (Sheriff toadster's mind pov: wow! they are.... Really cute! Huh....wait a minute..... They actually look.....attractive? No, no no no no no! Are you kidding me!? Humans betrayed me! And now I'm falling in love with one!? Why is this happening!? Welp, it's only a matter of time before they find out....)

 I'm sorry this was so short, I ran out of ideas

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