First kiss

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Banban: you two were sitting on a bench together, and banban turns his head towards you. "y-y/n?" You look at banban and realize he's blushing. "Yeah?" He holds your hand. "c-can i.....kiss you?" You start blushing as well. You scoot closer to him. Your faces are inches close to each other. You kiss banban. You pull away from the kiss and see he's blushing even more. "o-oh um-i-uh-wow-uhhhhhh" you lay your head on banban's shoulder. "I love you." Banban sighs. "I love you too."

banbaleena: it's almost time for class and you two are walking to the classroom. Banbaleena turns towards you. "you know, I know we've just started dating and all but.....I really wanna kiss you for some reason." you start blushing. "O-oh! Well uh sure-" your words are cut off by banbaleena pulling you in and kissing you. You both start blushing even more. Banbaleena pulls away from the kiss. "i love you, y/n. But we should get back to class." You nod. "yeah, let's go." You walk to class.

opila: you're following opila to the elevator because she said she wanted to show you something. You walk on the elevator and opila presses the button. "ohhh I can't wait to show you!" Opila jumps up and down happily. After she stops, she looks at you then walks to you. "but first.... I wanna do something else..." Before you can respond, opila kisses you. Leaving you surprised and flustered. "d-did you just-" "you're welcome"

jumbo josh: you two are laying down together and you look at Josh. He realizes you're looking at him. He gets confused. "y/n? Is anything wrong?" You start blushing. "N-no. Nothings wrong. I was just thinking about stuff." Josh gets even more confused. "stuff? What stuff?" You get up and climb on jumbo josh, making him blush. "stuff like this." You kiss him. Jumbo josh is flustered, to say the least. You pull away from the kiss. jumbo josh is blushing even more. "wow."

nabnab: you are laying against a wall with nabnab in your arms. You can tell he's blushing even though you can't see his face. Nabnab turns around to face you. "Uhh y/n? T-theres always been something I wanted to do." You tilt your head. "what is it-" your words are cut off by nabnab grabbing your face and kissing you. You blush. You wrap your arms around him. You pull away from the kiss. nabnab hugs you. "I love you so much y/n. You are the only thing that makes life worth living." You pat nabnab's head. "I love you too."

bittergiggle: You two are walking around the kindergarten, sharing jokes. "Hahahaha! Y/n, your jokes are hilarious! I wish I was as good as jokes as you." "what do you mean? Your jokes are funny too!" bittergiggle sighs. "well, if my jokes are any good, why do people hate them? Why do people hate me?" You grab bittergiggle's shoulders. "bittergiggle, they're just jealous they aren't an amazing person like you! You're nice, funny, cute, and just plain amazing! You're perfect." You kiss bittergiggle. The sudden interaction makes bittergiggle blush. Bittergiggle melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you. Bittergiggle pulls away from the kiss. "y-you're right." You hug bittergiggle. "I know."

sheriff toadster: you two are searching around the kingdom to find any trace of Queen bounceilia. But sadly, you can't find anything. Sheriff toadster sighs. "I don't think we'll find her. She might have..... She might have been...." Tears started forming in sheriff toadster's eyes. You hold his hands. "I know we will. I mean we have to! She couldn't have just disappeared! I know we'll find her." you kiss sheriff toadster, making you both blush. You pull away from the kiss, leaving sheriff toadster surprised and flustered. "d-did you just... I-i mean...I can't believe you just..... Wow...." You chuckle. "Now, let's keep searching."

I am SO sorry I haven't written in so long. I just had another writers block.

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