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"We have to work with Luciana and Regulus." Sirius kept repeating this to Remus, trying to wrap his head around the situation.

He escaped 12 Grimmauld Place over the summer to be with James, abandoning Regulus and leaving him alone. That was one of the last times he and Regulus properly talked to one another. Sirius wholly regretted his actions and missed having his brother.

To Regulus, Sirius gained James as a brother while he was left behind.

"Yes, Sirius, I was there when it happened." Remus rolled his eyes.

"And we have to make amortentia. The love potion, Moony!"

James wolf-whistled and Peter nearly choked on his orange juice.

"Prongs." Sirius grumbled, slapping his mate over the head, "This is a very serious situation."

Remus grabbed some toast and began to butter it, eyeing Luciana chatting to Regulus, Barty and Snape over at the Slytherin table, "They seem unbothered."

Sirius followed Remus' gaze and turned his head around to see Luciana.

Briefly, Luciana glanced behind Regulus' head to see the four marauders gawping at her. She swiftly moved onto a conversation with Regulus, refilling her apple juice as she did so.

Once the boys turned back, Sirius groaned and hit his head on the table, "You know they hate me?"

"And whose fault is that." Remus said blatantly.

Sirius groaned again.

"He has a point, Padfoot." Peter spoke.

"I know." He grumbled, lifting his head off the table to see James push a plate of croissants towards him.

"You need to eat, mate. Quidditch tryouts remember."

"I know." He repeated quietly.

Peter gently patted his friend on the back, also pouring some tea for him.

"Thanks, Pete," Sirius acknowledged his friend's actions, "but can I have black coffee instead?"

"'Course." He smiled, flicking his wand to transfigure the liquid, which he did successfully.

"Well done, Pete!" James encouraged him, "You're getting better at that spell."

"I've been practising." Peter smiled widely.

"Hey, James?" Lily and Marlene appeared and sat next to the boys, "we need to start on this potion sooner rather than later."

"Ugh, Evans, don't remind me."

"Don't be dramatic, Sirius." Marlene rolled her eyes, Remus clearly agreeing.

"At least you're not working with Snivellus." James sighed.

Lily half agreed. Working with her traitorous ex-best-friend, her best friend and her crush was bound to be difficult. Especially when they have this much freedom in picking any potion from the given list and having to work to make the potion and write essays about it. All together.

"I was thinking veritaserum." Marlene suggested.

"We could use Snivellus to make sure it works." James laughed.

Lily gently hummed in agreement and laughed along.

"I would love to see that!" Sirius exclaimed.

"What would you ask him?" Peter wondered.

"Merlin, I would have so much fun with that." Sirius grinned cheekily at James, "Wouldn't you?"

"Oh yeah." James matched Sirius' smile, "we'll have to come up with some good questions."

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