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Walking towards the large willow tree, Luciana Romano, along side her best friend Regulus Black, marched over to a crowd of students surrounded by four Gryffindor boys.

"What are they doing?" Regulus rolled his eyes.

Luciana shielded her eyes with her hands, the shining sun in the way of the view, "Is that Sev?" She squinted her eyes to see Severus Snape handing from a tree upside down.


Luciana and Regulus looked over to see Lily Evans marching up to the group, her fingers tightly gripped onto her wand with fury on her face.

"Leave him alone!"

"Alright, Evans?" James smirked.

"Leave him alone, what's he ever done to you?"

At this point, Regulus dragged Luciana towards the group, pushing through the crowd to get to Severus Snape, who was still upside down.

"Well, it's more the fact he exists, if you know what I mean."

Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew laughed along, followed by a few students while Remus Lupin continued to read his book.

Briefly, Luciana waved and lightly smiled at Remus who smiled back before rolling his eyes at his friends, making Luciana laugh under her breath.

"You think you're so funny, Potter," Lily began, "but you're just an arrogant, bullying toe-rag. Leave him alone!"

"I will if you go out with me, Evans."

Regulus rolled his eyes, whispering to Luciana, "He's an idiot."

She agreed.

Sirius starred at his brother whispering into Luciana's ear, glaring before returning to the conversation.

"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid."

"Bad luck, Prongs." Sirius snickered.

Snape managed to direct his wand towards James, casting a spell which gave James a large gash on his face.


Before he knew it, Snape was hanging in the air again, his robes falling over his head as he wriggled.

"Leave him alone!" Lily continued, her wand pointing towards James Potter.

"Now, Evans, don't make me hex you."

"Take the curse off him then!"

James sighed, and followed the order, muttering the counter-curse, letting Snape go.

Snape walked towards Regulus and Luciana.

"You're lucky Evans was here, Snivellus."

"I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!" he cursed.

Luciana wasn't shocked he'd said that word, but she was shocked he said it towards his best friend.

Regulus smirked slightly, while Luciana felt disappointed.

"Fine," Lily replied, hot tears building up, "I won't bother in future. And I'd wash your pants, if I were you, Snivellus."

James stood up for Lily, "you need to apologise to Evans."

"I don't want him to! You're both as bad as each other."

"But I would never call you a you-know-what!"

"Piss off, Potter." She said before walking away. No doubt to cry.

Regulus tugged at Luciana's sleeve, "Come on, we have potions."

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