Theodore Nott ~ I Wouldn't Mind

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I Wouldn't Mind - He Is We

Me and Theodore sat on the roof of the school, watching the fireworks go off to announce the new year.

I was never a fan of loud noises but I didn't mind the noise since I was with my best friend (hopefully lover soon).

"I don't mind this at all." I whispered. I meant for it to stay in my head but my face flushed.

He examined my face then looked back at the fireworks. "Out of all the people, I'm glad I'm spending the new year with you." He said with a genuine smile.

I didn't want to respond, I couldn't respond. Instead I smiled like an idiot and rested my head on his shoulder as we listened and admired the loud glitter that exploded into the air.

Theo and I talked about moving in together. It was out of line for a male and female to live in the same dorm but we have known each other for the longest of times and everyone knew us as a packaged deal. Theo was waiting to move in with me. I wanted to make sure he wanted this, I didn't want to get my hopes up so I told him to wait and think. He swore he was hundred percent positive.

"I'm not afraid, I wouldn't mind waking up in the morning and you being the first person I see." I finally confirmed.

He jerked up and his eyes widened in surprise and happiness. "Really?"

I nodded vigorously and giggled as he hugged him tightly.

He grabbed my face with his hands and scanned my face before kissing me.

It wasn't a surprise at all, I wanted him to kiss me. I let him and I loved it.

His kiss was gentle and sweet, loving and caring. It wasn't too long and not too short.

I put my hand over his. "I want to take things slow." I quickly said. I braced myself for him to get mad like the other guys have.

"I'll wait, I'll wait forever if that's what it takes." He said.

"That's a long time." I laughed.

He smiled brightly at me. "Happy new year, y/n."

"Happy new year, Theodore Nott."

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