Mattheo Riddle ~ Things To Do

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Things To Do - Alex G

Mattheo has been stuck in his room for the past week. His breakup with his girlfriend was hitting hard for him and the only thing he would do is use the restroom, eat, or drink water. The bed was his safe place.

You took his homework to his room, hoping that he would have the energy to do his homework and not let his grades slip due to a girl.

"Get your ass up." You demanded.

Mattheo looked at you and groaned as he switched sides, facing the opposite direction of you.

"Mattheo Riddle." You gritted out and walked over to his bed. "Do your homework. It's the cheapest thing left for you."

"There's nothing to look forward to." He murmured.

You hated seeing Mattheo like this but something was different. You heard a hint of regret in his voice, like he didn't want to be saying these things. You grabbed the calculator to tell him to do his work.

"The calculator will make the same mistakes." He choked out.

"The calculator can't do shit, Riddle." You laughed.

You heard him choke on a laugh.

"You're the only thing keeping me awake." He said as he turned over and looked at you.

"Good." You said proudly.

You watched as he slowly got up and looked over the sheets of paper.

"Will you help me?"

Those four words made you feel every healthy emotion possible. You felt airy knowing he was finally coming back.

You nodded and smiled brightly. "Yeah, I'll help you." You agreed as you started reading the notes.

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