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Nicki pov
*1 week later*
I'm currently listening to Beyoncé go on & on about something. "Beyoncé can you be quiet just for a second? I'm trying to get this freestyle to Wayne so I can audition for the Young Money label." I said as she smacked her teeth. "No bc I'm telling you. My momma had more heart than my daddy fuck ass." She said as I continued to type on my computer. "Yeah bey I hear you." I said still not paying her any attention.

"I gotta go pick up my child." She said as I nodded. "Yeah okay." I said. I didn't catch what she said until a couple minutes later. "Wait what you mean?" I asked as she looked at me.

"Ian mean to say that." She said quickly as I shook my head. "Nah, you meant it. You got something to tell me?" I said as she shook her head. "No." She said. I just sighed. I'm not finna do this shit with her today.

"Well she's not my child, she's my cousin baby but I have to take her in." She said as I nodded. "Why?" I asked. "Bc my cousin can't really take care of her like she's supposed to. She's been going back & forth to rehab for drug abuse so I just decided to take the baby in bc I don't want her to grow up seeing her mother like that." She said as I nodded. "Aww okay that's very mature & kind of you. What's the baby's name?" I asked. "Blue Ivy." She said as I nodded again.

"That's different but cute. I like it." I said as she smiled. "You wanna see her?" She asked as I nodded. She pulled her phone out & showed me a picture of the little girl. She looked no more than 2 years old. As I looked at the photo, I could tell something wasn't right.

"Are you sure that's your cousin baby?" I asked. "Yes." She said as I just nodded. "No. Something's off. If that's you cousin baby, then why the fuck she looks just like you? & I understand y'all cousins & y'all might look alike, but this baby has some of your features too. I could be overdoing it but I think this is your child Bey." I said as she sighed.

"To be real with you. This is my child." She said as I laughed & shook my head. "I knew it. I can't be mad tho, how old is she?" I asked. "She just turnt 2 in January." She said as I nodded. "So how come you didn't tell me & who had she's been staying with this whole time?" I asked.

"I didn't tell you bc I didn't want you to look at me differently. I just never thought me telling you was that important. I've kept her a secret for the longest & I've been wanting to tell you but it just never did come out. She's been staying with her father since he claims I'm not capable of keeping her. He even told the judge that & they gave him full custody. But I go over to him to see her every weekend or whenever I can." She said as I nodded.

I mean I honestly can't be mad at her. She's been through a lot & I totally get it. "Why did he think you weren't capable of keeping her?" I asked. I know I'm asking a lot but hell I need to know.

"Bc there was one point where I would take Percocet for my menstrual pain. One day I was sleep & I had this nightmare that I got raped all over again, & in order for me to calm down, I took some of the pills. Some turnt into a lot & I eventually got hooked to them & I kinda overdid it one night. & long story short, I almost overdosed, while my baby was in the house with me. So in order for the state not to take my baby, Jay had came & got her & that's why we're here now." She said tearing up as I wiped her tears that were falling.

"It's okay baby, we gone prove to the judges that you are more than capable of having custody of your baby girl. Now when can I meet her?" I asked as she shrugged. "I mean I'm not really worried about it. Every time I try to see her, Jay always have a problem with it. But I would love for you to meet her. So we can go over there this weekend & see her. She'll be so happy to see you. She knows you tho bc I talk to her about you every time I see her." She said as I smiled. "Awwwww I love her already." I said as she giggled.

It's been hours since Bey & I talked about the baby situation & she's been so quiet & distant every since then.

I went upstairs & I heard her on the phone. "Hey baby." I heard her say in a baby voice. I scrunched my face up but I still listened.

"Well I have something who wants to meet you. I'm gonna try to come see you this weekend & im gonna let you meet Nicki." She said as I realized she was talking to Blue. I walked in the room & she looked up then looked back down. I frowned & sat on the bed by her. I tried to wrap my arms around her but she moved a little.

"What you mean daddy has another girl over there? Is she mean to you?" She asked. I looked up at her to see her a little upset.

"Blue no baby. You need to let me know if that bit- I mean if that girl is putting her hands on you. Did you tell your daddy?" She said as I stared at her. Someone's putting there hands on my stepdaughter? She's only 2. I don't give a fuck don't put your hands on my baby's little girl.

"Okay Blue, mommy will handle it. I'll see you this weekend though okay baby. I love you, & don't stay up all night on that IPad. Im gonna call you tomorrow to check in on you. I love you sooooo much." She said as I smiled. I love seeing her in mommy mode. It's so cute.

Once she got off the phone, she never did turn to look at me. She just kept looking straight. "Baby." I said as she looked back at me & bust out crying.

"I'm sorry Nic, I should've told you when I first met you. I just didn't want you to think differently of me. I really love you & I don't wanna lose you. You know me more than anybody else. My best friends don't even know half the shit you know about me. I just want to know that I can trust you to be there for not just only me, but for my baby girl too." She said as I nodded my head & pulled her into me. "Ofc you can trust me to be here for y'all. When I became your girlfriend, I made a promise to be there for you & everything you bring. Whether that's a child or anything. I'm gonna love her just like she's mine. But you already knew that. Enough said tho, wipe them tears mamas." I said she she blushed & kissed my nose.

She knows I hate my nose but I just laughed it off. "I love you so much." She said looking in my eyes as I smiled & looked the other way. She knows what she's doing right now. "I love you more. Oh & what was you talking about when you said that bitch was hitting Blue?" I said.

"Blue said that he has a new girlfriend or something but anyways that's besides the point. The point is that bitch touched my fucking child & I don't play about my baby. I may not see her as much as I would like, but ain't no fucking body finna fuck over my baby. Not my blood & flesh. I'll kill for her. Just wait till this weekend. I better not see no fucking bruises on her. Somebody's gonna get hurt I promise you that." She said as I just shook my head.

"What sick person would wanna just hit on someone else's child? That's fucking stupid as hell. I wouldn't dare try to touch that little girl. I don't care how disrespectful she gets or whatever. At the end of the day she's not my child & im not finna put myself in that position. Just wait till I find out who the fuck hit her. You don't even gotta do shit, I got y'all. I don't play when it comes to fucking with my baby. & besides I claim Blue as my stepdaughter now. Even though I haven't met her or anything, I can tell she's a sweetheart. She's very blessed to have you as a mother. You're perfect for us. & I know one day we're gonna be married & have children of our own." I said as she giggled & blushed.

I love making her blush it's so cute & funny. "Stop you're making me blush. I'm supposed to be the real nigga & you making me feel like a lil bitch." She said as I laughed. "I mean you are a female sooooo yeah. But get used to it baby cause it's gone happen a lot. I love seeing you blush. It's so cute." I said as she just stared at me. I could tell she was thinking about something she didn't have no business thinking about bc of the look in her eyes.

"Mhmmm & I love hearing you scream my name so let's fuck. I need to fuck this stress off me." She said as I giggled at the way she said it. She's so damn country.

I nodded & she grabbed my neck & tongued me down. She tried to kiss on my neck & shit but I was ready to jump straight to it. All that foreplay shit ain't for me. I be wet as fuck just by her kissing me. "Skip foreplay just fuck me daddy." I said.

She got to it & we fucked on each other all night. My voice & body is gone be so fucked up in the morning. But oh well we both need this.

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